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Referee Brian Hebner Announces His Departure From NWA


Former Impact Wrestling referee Brian Hebner did an interview with Lewis Carlan of where he spoke about a wide range of topics. 

During it, Impact was asked what Impact needs to do to close the gap on AEW: 

“I just think they need a bigger platform. They need a bigger television deal. They have everything. Everything is right there. They just need a bigger deal. And I think that if they were to get on a bigger platform, I think they could be just as big as AEW. And you asked me the question about AEW being bigger than WWE. WWE is a big machine man. It’s almost like saying do you think this new beer, that somebody puts out, like Stone Cold’s beer is ever going to catch Miller Lite, it’s not going to catch Miller Lite. Miller Lite has been around forever. You know, and there’s too much money. And it’s just something that they’ll never be able to do. I mean, AEW, hovers around one million viewers every single week. I mean, that’s great, but that’s not good because they’re not growing their audience, and you got to watch it grow, it’s just not doing that.”

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