
Tonight’s episode of AEW COLLISION was broadcast live on TNT
from the Landers Center in Southaven, MS!

It’s Saturday night and you know what that means! Saturday
night’s alright for fighting!

Tony Schiavone and Nigel McGuinness were the broadcast team
for tonight’s event.

Kicking off this week’s Collision was MJF!

MJF: “Cut my music, cut my music! I know everyone in this
building is incredibly stupid but I would appreciate if
while I’m talking you all kept your mouth shut. Daniel
Garcia, you are nothing more than a pawn. You really thought
MJF, the biggest star in AEW, you really thought I was going
to give you a match at All In?

“No, man, that match was never going to happen. I was always
going to stab you in your back. But during this ruse there
was something you did that really offended me. I offered you
a match at All In at Wembley Stadium and you didn’t answer.
Well, after what I did to you, you’re not going to wrestle

“But I’m not here to talk about Danny Garcia. I’m here to
talk to you fans at home. Roll the clip.”

Footage played from the 8/2/23 episode of AEW Dynamite,
where MJF was in the ring talking about his emotional
rejection disorder, and the time he was bullied as a kid,
when schoolmates threw quarters at him. Back in the ring…

MJF: “I opened up to you people. I told you if I opened up
to you, it would tear my heart out if you turned your back
on me, and you didn’t give a damn. I did everything for you.
I changed for you. I broke my body for you!

“And how do you repay me? After my best friend stabs me in
the back, after Samoa Joe steals my World belt, I am on my
couch writhing in pain, and I turn on Dynamite after World’s
End, and what do you people do? You chant ‘Thank you Joe!’
While I was in physical therapy trying to get function back
in my left arm, you discarded me for guys like Swerve,
Okada, and worst of all, that talentless hack Will Ospreay!

“What I did to Danny Garcia this past Wednesday wasn’t
personal between me and him. It was personal between me and
you fans. I am going to take away everything you love in
this company because everything you love sucks! You have
ruined everything in this company that I love with your
garbage tastes and the only way I’m going to fix it is with
me on top!

“But you guys like Will Ospreay. You guys are too delusional
to realize that Will Ospreay cannot help this company like I
can. He is a child. He doesn’t care about ticket sales. He
only cares about putting on good matches for you guys. The
only ratings he cares about are from a guy named Meltzer.
I’m a grown man and I care about TV ratings from a guy named
Nielsen. So, I’ve got an idea, Will, how about you and I pop
a number right here, right now! You call yourself the Billy
Goat? How about you come out here so I can sacrifice you
like one! Exactly like I thought, he’s not coming out here!”

Will Ospreay’s music began to play and MJF laughed.

“He knows that Will Ospreay is not here,” said Tony

MJF: “He’s not coming you guys, because he is a fickle
coward, just like you fans. My name is MJF, and you can
thank me later.”

“We have witnessed the ramblings of a self-absorbed
narcistic punk and he’s a liar,” said Tony Schiavone.

Trios Match!

The Conglomeration—ROH World Champion Mark Briscoe, “Freshly
Squeezed” Orange Cassidy, & Kyle O’Reilly
The Iron Savages— “Sauce Hoss” Beefcake Boulder, Bulk
Bronson, & Jacked Jameson!

Roderick Strong and the Undisputed Kingdom—ROH World Tag
Team Champions Mike Bennett and Matt Bennett, walked to the
commentary desk before the match began. Roderick Strong
joined the broadcast booth to watch Kyle O’Reilly.

“Kyle looks good with the Conglomeration, but he looks
better with me. We’re going to continue to remind him that
he’s better with us,” said Roddy.

Boulder and Bulk bulldozed Kyle with a double shoulder
tackle. Jameson tried to jump on Kyle, but Kyle raised his
knees to defend himself. Bronson tried to grab Kyle, but
Kyle tagged out to Mark who served up Redneck Kung fu to the
Iron Savages!

Orange Cassidy tagged in and hit a tope suicida on Jameson.
Cassidy followed up with a high cross body to Bronson and
then a spinning DDT on Boulder! Orange went for the Orange
Punch, but Bronson caught him with a massive bear hug.
Orange escaped and blasted Bronson with the Orange Punch and
scored the pin!

Backstage we heard from TNT Champion “The Scapegoat” Jack

Jack Perry: “Someone once said the true cost of anything is
what you’re willing to sacrifice for it. A long time ago I
was the first challenge to the first ever TNT Champion, but
I wasn’t ready then because I didn’t realize just how great
that cost would be. But as of tonight, I’m paid in full, and
I want to give that chance to someone else. They can try to
take it from me, but if they don’t, I will sacrifice you.”

Lexy Nair interviewed “Hangman” Adam Page backstage!

“You know why I am here. He knows why I am here. I am going
to burn through the rest of this tournament. I am going to
All In at Wembley and right a wrong that should have been
righted a long time ago. I will burn his world to the

AEW Women’s World Champion “Timeless” Toni Storm (with
Mariah May & Luther)
The Infantry’s Trish Adora!

Trish knocked the champ to the mat with a shoulder tackle.
Trish hoisted up Toni and twisted her up like a pretzel.
Trish rolled up Toni Storm for a two-count.

The fans chanted “Let’s go Toni, let’s go!”

Toni Storm cracked Trish with a hip attack, knocking Trish
to the arena floor. Toni nailed Trish with a backstabber
from the ropes. Trish turned the tables on Toni with a back
breaker. They traded forearms in the center of the ring.
Trish hit a low angle German Suplex for a near fall.

Toni Storm fired back with a hip attack. Toni spiked Trish
with the Storm Zero and picked up the victory!

“Now 14-0 in 2024 with 20 straight wins,” said Tony

Luther tried to hug Toni, but Mariah jumped between them and
got to Toni first, hugging the champ.

After coming face to face with the AEW Unified Trios
Champions last week, we heard from Christian Cage and the
Patriarchy—Mother Wayne, Nick Wayne, & Killswitch!

Christian Cage: “Last week after Collision there were a lot
of people left in awe when Jay White confronted the
Patriarchy with his words. Those same people were left in
awe that I seemingly let him get away with it. Jay, this was
never personal, but you made it personal.

“I didn’t even know you were the Trios Champions. I’m not
sure your head is in the game. Otherwise, why would you
enter yourself into the Owen Hart Foundation Tournament? And
it’s simple. That’s your exit strategy, isn’t it? And I
can’t say I blame you. You’ve surrounded yourself with Juice
Robinson. He’s a child. And then you have the Gunns. Colten
has a little promise but that’s a story for another day.

“Now Jay, I’m going to do you a favor. I’m going to take
those Trios titles off your hands, and I’m going to revive
them and pave my road to the World Heavyweight Championship.
And I’m doing you a favor because the fans are tired of you
treading water. They want to see the Switchblade they
thought they were getting when you signed here at AEW.”

Kip Sabian was seen just outside of the camera frame.

Christian Cage: “Get out of my light. What are you doing

Kip: “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to get involved. I just, I
lost my father, and I didn’t mean any disrespect.”

Christian: “They say the apple doesn’t fall far. So much
like you, I’m sure you’re father was a loser, but hey, but
at least he’s not around to see what a disgrace your career
has become. The good news is your day is about to get a
whole lot worse. Killswitch, take care of him.”

Killswitch pummeled Kip Sabian offscreen while the Patriarch
walked away with smiles.

TNT Championship Match!
“The Scapegoat” Jack Perry (c.) vs. Marko Stunt!

“Jack Perry looks like he’s seen a ghost,” said Nigel.

“Marko Stunt has accepted the challenge? Hell yeah! Jack has
no idea what to make of this,” replied Tony Schiavone.

Marko headbutted Jack Perry. The champ retaliated with a
vicious lariat! Jack Perry launched Marko headfirst into the

The fans chanted “Let’s go Marko! Let’s go Marko!”

Marko rallied back with a flurry of offense. Marko jumped
off the turnbuckles, but Jack caught him and nailed Marko
with a buckle bomb! Perry charged at Marko with a knee
strike and pinned his former friend from the Jurassic

The House of Black’s Malakai Black and Brody King were

Malakai: “This is one of the first times I don’t know what
to say. But that’s the beauty of this little conversation
we’re about to have. People constantly want to know about
what’s going on with Buddy Matthews and how we feel but we
don’t feel anything. We don’t sweat out our fevers the way
most of you do.

“Revenge is not a straight line for us. For us revenge is an
imbalanced scale waiting to be tipped back into perfect
balance. It is a shadow hiding in the dark waiting to be put
back in the light.”

Brody: “And Christian, even though we feel nothing, we
promise you’ll feel everything.”

The Beast Mortos vs. Blackpool Combat Club’s Claudio

Claudio planted the Beast Mortos with a tilt awhirl
backbreaker. He followed up with a big stomp on the Beast.
The Beast Mortos power slammed Claudio for a one-count. The
Beast Mortos dropped a knee pad and charged at Claudio.
Claudio dodged him and the Beast collided with the
turnbuckles, falling outside the ring and knocking down a
cameraman in the process.

Claudio went for a baseball slide, but the Beast moved out
of the way. The Beast Mortos followed up with a tornillo
through the ropes. The Beast charged at Claudio again, but
Claudio dodged him, sending the Beast into the steel ring

The Beast Mortos and Claudio traded chops and forearms. The
Beast blasted Claudio with a crucifix bomb for a near fall.
The Beast jumped off the top turnbuckle and then hit Claudio
with a headbutt. The Beast Mortos speared Claudio out of

“The Beast Mortos is really making a statement here,” said

Claudio back dropped the Beast Mortos out of the ring.
Claudio clobbered the Beast with a running European Uppercut
on the arena floor. Back in the ring, Claudio went for the
Big Swing but the Beast headbutted Claudio. The Beast Mortos
drilled Claudio with a back breaker for a near fall!

Claudio grabbed the Beast by both legs and put him in the
Big Swing, hurling him around the ring! Claudio clocked the
Beast with a big ax bomber lariat and picked up the victory
via pinfall!

Lexy Nair was backstage to interview “Daddy Magic” Matt

Matt Menard: “I’m not feeling great. I had a concussion.
Danny Garcia is back in Buffalo. He lost all strength in the
left side of his body. He will be making a full recovery.
There’s good news for you too, MJF. Because I made a promise
to Danny that he’ll be the first one of getting the
satisfaction of getting his hands on you. And you don’t know
when that’s going to happen. It could be six months from
now. A year. And when that day comes, Max, you’re getting
‘Red Death.’”

Riho vs. Lady Frost!

Lady Frost tumbled through with a neck breaker on Riho for a
two-count. Riho rallied back with a big cross body press
from the top turnbuckle. Riho rocketed off the top
turnbuckle, this time crashing onto Lady Frost outside the

Lady Frost dodged a double stomp and clocked Riho with a
spin kick. Lady Frost rocked Riho with the Chiller Driller
for a near fall! Lady Frost was looking for the Frost Bite,
but Riho pulled Lady Frost off the turnbuckles. Lady Frost
came back with a suplex. Lady Frost connected with a
moonsault, but Riho kicked out at the two-count.

Riho drilled Lady Frost with a dragon suplex. Riho pinned
Lady Frost after a version of the STO.

“Serena Deeb is watching that move and this match closely,”
noted Tony Schiavone.

Lexy Nair was backstage with Shane Taylor Promotions on one
side of her, and across them were Top Flight and Action

Shane Taylor: “The last few weeks you boys got a pass. But
we’ll be facing you next week on Rampage!”

Action: “Yeah, we’ll be settling this!”

Darius: “Let’s go!”

Dante: “You want to talk trash about our boy Lio?”

Lee Moriarty: “We don’t have to wait until next week!”

Anthony Ogogo: “We’re going to smash you up!”

Samoa Joe had harsh words for FTW Champion “The Learning
Tree” Chris Jericho ahead of their Stampede Street Fight
this Wednesday on Dynamite!

Samoa Joe: “I am going to massacre you! Do you have enough
faith in anybody to hope that they stop me?”

The Owen Hard Foundation Men’s Tournament Semifinal!
“Hangman” Adam Page
AEW Unified Trios Champion “Switchblade” Jay White (with
Juice Robinson & The Gunns)!

“The winner goes on to Calgary to face Bryan Danielson,”
said Tony Schiavone.

Ring Announcer Bobby Cruise informed the audience that he
had just been informed by the EVPs that other than Jay
White, the other members of the Bang Bang Gang have been
ejected from ringside.

Hangman hammered down on Jay White’s back. Jay White booted
Page in the abdomen. Adam Page slugged Jay White with a
forearm, knocking Jay White to the mat. Page walloped White
with a fallaway slam.

Jay White tried to stun Page with the Blade Runner, but Page
escaped and grounded and pounded White! “Switchblade” got
back to his feet and busted open Page. Jay White charged at
Page with a European Uppercut. Jay White blistered Page with
chops in the corner turnbuckles. Jay White gouged the eyes
of Page. Jay White spiked a bloody Page with a DDT for a

“There was a bloodspot left from the forehead of Page,” said

Jay White face planted Hangman and then drilled Page with a
deadlift German Suplex! They slugged it out on the apron,
trading forearms. Page power bombed Jay White onto the edge
of the ring apron!

Adam Page was looking for the Buckshot Lariat, but Jay White
countered by slumping to the mat. Jay White lured in Page
and cradled him for a near fall. Jay White hit a dragon
screw leg whip. Page retaliated with a pop-up power bomb for
a near fall!

Page went for the Buckshot Lariat, but Jay White countered
by planting Page on his head! Jay White went for the Blade
Runner, but Page countered, looking for the Dead Eye, but
Jay White escaped, and then Page shoved White, inadvertently
knocking him into the referee! Ref Paul Turner was knocked

Page spiked White with the Dead Eye but there was no referee
to make the pin. Page took off his belt and began to whip
Jay White with it!

Jeff Jarrett walked down to the ring and pulled the belt out
of Page’s hand! As Jarrett and Page were arguing, Jay White
dropped Page with a dragon suplex! Another referee came down
and ejected Jeff Jarrett from ringside, but while the second
referee was distracted, Christian Cage jumped into the ring!
Christian Cage speared Jay White! Hangman hit the Buckshot
Lariat on Jay White and pinned the Switchblade!

“Look at that smirk on the face of Christian Cage!” said
Tony Schiavone.

This Wednesday on Dynamite it’ll be the “American Dragon”
Bryan Danielson facing “Hangman” Adam Page in the Owen Hart
Foundation Men’s Tournament Final! We’ll also see Willow
Nightingale compete against Mariah May in the Owen Hart
Foundation Women’s Tournament Final! The winners of both of
those matches will get a World title shot at Wembley at AEW
All In: London on Sunday, August 25th live on pay-per-view!

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on Wednesday live at 8/7ct on TBS from
the Calgary Stampede Saddledome in Calgary, AB!

Tickets On Sale Now! –

And remember… We are AEW—Where The Best Wrestle!


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