
The ONE YEAR Anniversary of AEW COLLISION was broadcast live
on TNT from the Covelli Centre in Youngstown, OH!

It’s Saturday night and you know what that means! Saturday
night’s alright for fighting!

Tony Schiavone and Nigel McGuinness were the broadcast team
for tonight’s event.

Blackpool Combat Club—IWGP World Heavyweight Champion Jon
Moxley, ROH Pure Champion Wheeler Yuta, “American Dragon”
Bryan Danielson, & Claudio Castagnoli
Rocky “Azucar” Romero, Lio Rush, & IWGP & New Japan Strong
Openweight Tag Team Champions TMDK—Mikey Nichols & Shane

Lio rush attempted a round kick on Danielson, but Danielson
ducked it. Rush rocked Danielson with a hurricanrana. Yuta
tagged in and ate a thrust kick from Rush. Lio tagged out to
Rocky Romero. Yuta and Romero traded strikes in the center
of the ring. Yuta hit a German Suplex on Rocky.

Claudio grabbed a tag, but TMDK jumped into the fray.
Nichols nailed Claudio with a running lariat. Claudio face
planted both members of TMDK and tagged Danielson in.
Danielson blasted Haste with a shotgun dropkick. Haste cut
off Danielson with a running elbow. Danielson managed to
apply the LeBell Lock, but Haste grabbed the ropes to force
the ref to break the hold. Meanwhile the members of both
teams began to brawl around the ring.

Rocky rammed into Danielson with the Forever Clotheslines.
Rocky hoisted Danielson up onto the top turnbuckle but
Danielson countered with a giant Manhattan Drop. Claudio
came in and cleaned house on TMDK! Claudio clubbed Haste
with a European Uppercut and then a big back body drop!
Claudio jumped on Haste with a double foot stomp. TMDK
double teamed Claudio to cut off his momentum.

Moxley tagged in and caught Nichol with a cutter. Moxley
planted Nichols with a piledriver. Mox and Nichols had the
same idea and collided into one another with lariats. Lio
Rush tagged in and went for a frog splash, but Mox avoided
it. Mox pump kicked Lio Rush. TMDK jumped in and hit tandem
offense on Moxley. Claudio jumped in and put Rocky in the
Giant Swing!

“I think it’s a work of art. It’s a thing of beauty,” said

Claudio hoisted up Lio Rush, tossing him over to Moxley. Mox
grabbed Lio midair and drilled Lio with the Death Rider,
scoring the pin for the BCC!

Moxley: “Tetsuya Naito of New Japan Pro Wrestling is a
survivor, but Forbidden Door is the final conflict. This is
it. This is your last chance. I’m not coming to beat you or
defend my title, I am coming to Forbidden Door to put an end
to Naito once and for all. I’m coming to finish your career,
put you in the ground, and bury your ass once and for all!”

Up next: Tony Schiavone was in the ring to interview The
Acclaimed—Anthony Bowens, Max Caster, & Daddy Ass!

Bowens: “Usually the Acclaimed comes out here, we have a
rap, we have some punchlines, but today, I don’t know if you
guys saw, our lovely EVPs, the Young Bucks, those guys
issued a $5000 fine at my tag partner for disparaging
company executives. It seems these executives are out of
touch. These fans what me roasting everyone, Anthony and
Billy hitting the scissor, and they want to see the
Acclaimed become the new AEW World Tag Team Champions this
Wednesday on Dynamite!”

Caster: “Bucks, we are not the same tag team you faced back
in 2020. We have the same accolades you have in this sport.
We are former AEW Tag champs, former AEW Trios champs, the
winningest tag team in the history of this company. We want
our titles back and all we have to do is beat you twice.”

Bowens: “Matter of fact, forget a fine, Young Cucks, I’m
about to kick it old school. Yo, listen!”

Brandon Cutler walked out onto the ramp!

Cutler: “Nooooo! You listen! This One Year Anniversary of
Collision should be a night to celebrate the Young Bucks.
You want a fine? You’ve got one!”

Christopher Daniels: “Whoa, stop, these guys had my backs,
so I want to deliver some good news. Tony Khan has reversed
the fines of the Acclaimed!”

Brandon Cutler got into Christopher Daniels face, but
Daniels decked Cutler with Cutler’s clipboard. The Acclaimed
dished out the Scissor Me Timbers to Cutler in the ring!

No Disqualification Match!

“La Mera Mera” Thunder Rosa vs. “The Virtuosa” Deonna

Thunder Rosa rammed Deonna Purrazzo into the top of the
steel steps. Thunder Rosa went for a dropkick, but Deonna
dodged it. Deonna smashed Thunder Rosa’s arm in between the
ring and the top of the ring steps. Thunder Rosa rallied
back with a Death Valley Driver.

Thunder Rosa pulled a table out from beneath the ring. As
Thunder Rosa was placing the table into the ring, Deonna
whacked Thunder Rosa with a sliding baseball dropkick,
knocking the table into Thunder Rosa’s head.

Deonna grabbed a chair and tried to hit Thunder Rosa with
it, but Thunder Rosa booted the chair into Deonna’s head.
Thunder Rosa planted Deonna with a Samoan Drop onto a table.
Deonna fired back with a big shoulder tackle on Thunder
Rosa, who was tied in the Tree of Woe.

Thunder Rosa spiked Deonna with a DDT onto the steel chair
for a near fall. Thunder Rosa put a garbage can over
Deonna’s head. Thunder Rosa used the table as a ramp,
running up the table, jumping off, and dropkicking the
garbage can that was on top of Deonna’s head!

Deonna nailed Thunder Rosa with a piledriver. Deonna applied
the Venus De Milo, but Thunder Rosa escaped. Deonna kicked a
camera man at ringside. She grabbed his camera and smashed
it into Thunder Rosa’s head. Deonna applied the Venus De
Milo while Thunder Rosa was tied up in the ropes and the
referee stopped the match!

“She was out, not because of the Venus De Milo, but because
of the camera shot to the head!” said Tony Schiavone.

CMLL’s Hechicero (with Gates of Agony—Bishop Kaun & Toa
Dalton Castle (with The Boys)!

Castle and Hechicero traded chops and then forearm shots in
the center of the ring. Hechicero clobbered Dalton with a
diving cross body. Dalton drilled Hechicero with a basement
DDT. Castle tried for the Bang-a-Rang but Hechicero escaped.

Hechicero charged at Castle, but Castle countered with a
suplex. Hechicero cracked Dalton with a knee lift and then
brought him down with a twisting leg drop to pick up the pin

“Alongside the Gates of Agony, this is a formidable unit,”
said Nigel.

Hechicero and the Gates of Agony triple teamed Dalton. The
Boys, who were actually the Outrunners, ran down to the ring
to try to help but the Gates of Agony proved to be too much!
Daniel Garcia and Daddy Magic sprinted to the ring with
steel chairs. The Gates of Agony and Hechicero retreated
from the ring!

Top Flight and Action Andretti were backstage when Lio Rush

Lio Rush acknowledged the history he had with Action
Andretti, then introduced himself to Darius Martin.

Darius: “Yeah, I know who you are.”

Lio: “Look, man, no heat, I just wanted to come over here
and say good luck on your match tonight. Maybe I’ll see you
guys around.”

Action: “It was great seeing you, Lio.”

Christian Cage’s Father’s Day Special was up next!

Mother Wayne was in the ring with Killswitch and Nick Wayne.
She told the fans to get on their feet and welcome to the
ring the greatest father who ever lived—Christian Cage!

Christian Cage: “I’d be remiss if I didn’t acknowledge
exactly what today is. Today is the anniversary of my son
Nick Wayne’s biological father’s untimely passing. As a
child, that can play mind games with you. But in a strange
way, Nick, your father dying was the best thing that ever
happened to you. Because it led you to me.”

Nick handed a Father’s Day card to Christian Cage. Christian
Cage read the card aloud. Christian Cage opened a present
from Killswitch. It was a painted portrait. Cage said, “Wow,
did you do that yourself? It’s ok. But Nick, your card,
you’re a wordsmith, I’ll cherish this card forever.
Killswitch why can’t you be more like Nick?”

Killswitch tried to leave the ring, but Christian Cage
ordered him back and said, “Trust me, you don’t want to miss
this. A couple weeks ago at Double Or Nothing, I came up
short in my match against AEW World Champion Swerve
Strickland. But there’s alternate footage that shows that I
didn’t lose that match. Now our EVPs wanted to do the right
thing and show this footage as they do, but I politely asked
that they not show the footage. We don’t make excuses. We
get back to work. I will be the AEW World Champion, and the
path to that title begins with the AEW World Trios

“It’s uncommon for fathers to give out gifts on Father’s
Day. But that’s what good fathers do. Tony Khan’s father
gave him millions of dollars to start AEW. But as of this
moment, I declare AEW my company! I am going to win every
single accolade in this sport. Tony, I am your father now.
We are the Patriarchy. We are the next AEW Trios Champions.
We are the faces of TNT now and forever!”

TNT Championship Ladder Match Qualifier!

Representing Shane Taylor Promotions—Lee Moriarty
vs. Top Flight’s Dante Martin!

The winner qualifies for a shot at the vacant TNT
Championship at Forbidden Door in the TNT Title Ladder

Moriarty went to work on Dante’s legs. Dante used the bottom
rope to spring out of the way of Lee. Dante dropkicked Lee
from in between the ropes and then chopped Lee. Moriarty
planted Dante and applied the Border City Stretch. Dante
reached the ropes with his boot, forcing the ref to break
the hold. Dante cracked Lee with a knee lift. Dante followed
up with a meteora from the top! Dante dropped a frog splash
onto Lee and pinned Moriarty!

“Dante joins Takeshita, Jack Perry, and Mark Briscoe in the
TNT Championship Ladder Match at Forbidden Door,” said Tony

“But if you were scoring this on points, you’d have to give
this match to Moriarty,” replied Nigel.

Shane Taylor and Anthony Ogogo came down, jumped into the
ring and double teamed Dante. Darius Martin and Action
Andretti sprinted to the ring to help even up the odds, but
Shane Taylor Promotions were too much for them! Lio Rush
walked to the ring and shoved Ogogo into Taylor. Lio kicked
Moriarty out of the ring!

“Lio living up to his word and coming to the aid of Dante
Martin,” said Schiavone.

A highlight package aired of Hikaru Shida, where she
announced she is officially entering the Owen Hart
Foundation Cup Tournament!

Kyle O’Reilly vs. Anthony Henry!

Roderick Strong was on commentary for this match. Strong was
accompanied by ROH World Tag Team Champions Matt Taven and
Mike Bennett.

Kyle and Anthony grappled to the mat. Kyle applied an arm
bar, but Anthony rolled to the ropes. Kyle hit a flurry of
offense and knocked Henry to the mat. Kyle applied the cross
armbreaker and Henry tapped out!

“See, it’s because I was out here. Just my presence changes
Kyle O’Reilly,” said Roderick Strong.

“I think you may be the missing piece to the Kyle O’Reilly
puzzle,” added Nigel.

Collision Main Event! Trios Match!

The Bang Bang Gang—Juice Robinson & Unified World Trios
Champions The Gunns—Austin & Colten
House of Black—Brody King, Buddy Matthews, & Malakai Black!

Black blasted Juice with a kick after Juice taunted him.
Juice tagged right out to Austin. Brody tagged in for House
of Black and Austin immediately tagged out to Colten.

Brody clobbered the Gunns and sent them over the top rope
with a lariat. Brody charged into the Bang Bang Gang,
splashing all three men against the barricade with a running
cross body press.

Juice and the Gunns isolated Malakai in their corner of the
ring. Juice rocked Black with a leg lariat for a near fall.
Juice tried for a running cannonball, but Black moved out of
the way. The Gunns tried to keep Black from making the tag
to his corner, but Black fought them off and tagged Buddy
Matthews! Buddy cleaned house on the Gunns!

Buddy connected with a meteora to Juice. Buddy had an
awkward landing and tagged out to Brody King. AEW Medical
Staff came out to check on Buddy. The medical team helped
Buddy to the back. This left the House of Black outnumbered
by the Bang Bang Gang.

Juice connected with a running cannonball to Brody in the
corner. Brody dropped Juice with the Bossman Slam! A more-
than-usual motivated Black tagged in and decimated the Gunns
and Robinson with kicks and strikes, clearly worked up over
the odds being against his team.

The Gunns spiked Brody with the 3:10 to Yuma, but he wasn’t
the legal man. Juice climbed to the top rope but “The
Bastard” Pac knocked Juice off the top turnbuckle. Pac
flipped off Austin with the middle finger!

The fans chanted “House of Black! House of Black!”

Malakai Black cold cocked Austin with The End kick and
pinned him!

“Now the House of Black will have a chance at the Trios
Championships!” said Tony Schiavone.

Christian Cage and the Patriarchy appeared on the big screen
on the ramp.

Christian Cage: “Congratulations are in order. Congrats on
becoming the number one contender for the Trios
Championship. There’s only one problem. You’re not a trio

Christian laughed and looked down at his feet. Buddy
Matthews was on the arena floor, the victim of a con-chair-

“And apparent con-chair-to on the head of Buddy Matthews!
What in the world is wrong with Christian Cage?” said Tony

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from
the EagleBank Arena in Fairfax, VA!

Get ready for AEW: FORBIDDEN DOOR 2024, live on pay-per-view
on Sunday, June 30th, from the UBS Arena in Long Island, NY!

Tickets On Sale Now! –

And remember… We are AEW—Where The Best Wrestle!


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