
We are on the road to AEW Grand Slam 2024! AEW DYNAMITE was
broadcast live on TBS from the Rupp Arena in Lexington, KY!

Excalibur, “The Human Suplex Machine” Taz, and Tony
Schiavone were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

It’s Wednesday night and you know what that means!

Tony Schiavone was in the ring to interview The Patriarchy—
Christian Cage—who was accompanied by Mother Wayne,
Killswitch, and Nick Wayne!

Christian Cage: “Everyone sit down while I conduct my
business. First things first: my son Nick told me that the
word on the street is that Christian Cage has infinite aura.
Considering the fact I’ve carried this company on my back
for the past year and a half, I’d say it’s true, but now
that I carry this contract, I’d say it’s undeniable.

“Something interesting happened in that Gauntlet Match. When
Killswitch grabbed me by the throat, I saw into his eyes and
the light bulb finally went off. In that moment he realized
what he is and what I need him to be. He is a monster and
the most complete big man in this industry, and he is mine!”

The fans chanted “Luchasaurus! Luchasaurus!”

Christian Cage: “His name is Killswitch. I was on my way to
the ring toward Bryan Danielson, but it was not the time or
the place. His days are numbered. And being suffocated is
nothing compared to what I’ll do to him to win that AEW
World Championship.

“Not only am I the face of TBS now and forever, I am the
undisputed next AEW World Champion!”

Excalibur: “Christian Cage can execute that contract and
challenge for the AEW World Championship anytime he sees

Kip Sabian was shown watching the Patriarchy in the crowd.

Renee Paquette was backstage with the Don Callis Family!

Callis: “Thanks for coming, Will. I’ve got this idea. We’ve
got a Casino Gauntlet Match tonight for the tag titles, so
why don’t you team with Kyle Fletcher, win and challenge for
the AEW World Tag Team Championships?

“And since I did you a favor, I’m asking you for a favor in

Kyle Fletcher: “I’m so tired of coming so close but yet not
getting it done. No one knows me better than you. So what do
you say?”

Will Ospreay: “I can’t say no to you.”

Takeshita snarled at Will Ospreay as the rest of the Family

TNT Championship Match!
“The Scapegoat” Jack Perry (c.) vs. Lio Rush (with Action

Jack Perry started the match very aggressively, keeping Lio
on his toes. Jack Perry walked out of the ring and shoved
Action Andretti. Rush countered a DDT from Perry and shoved
Perry back against the edge of the ring. Perry planted Rush
face first on the edge of the ring.

Ref Aubrey Edwards ejected Action from ringside, even though
it was Jack Perry who antagonized Andretti the entire time.

Rush rocked Perry with a big elbow strike. Rush wiped out
Jack with a Spanish Fly for a near fall. Perry regained
momentum driving Rush face first into the second turnbuckle
with the snake eyes move. Perry used a snap dragon, perhaps
sending a mocking message to Kenny Omega. Lio landed a
reverse rana, but Perry fired back with a blind side knee
strike. Perry caught Lio Rush flush with a knee shot and
pinned Lio Rush!

“Perfectly placed with that knee strike by Jack,” said Taz.

“Jack Perry makes his third consecutive defense of the TNT
Championship here tonight,” added Excalibur.

Renee Paquette interviewed “Hangman” Adam Page!

Page: “If I had found 1000 houses that Swerve called home,
then I would have burnt all of them to ash. And now I speak
to the entire roster. If you got in my way and tried to
protect him from me, then I will find you and I will hurt

Hangman walked past Top Flight and glared at them. He
approached the Dark Order, and they said they didn’t even
recognize what he’s become. Jeff Jarrett stopped Page and
said, “Page, you’re going to regret the day you put hands on
my wife. The toughest, most ruthless SOB is the man in the

Page swung at Jeff Jarrett. They began to brawl until Page
got the upper hand, throwing Jeff Jarrett onto a pile of

Trios Match!
Private Party—Marq Quen and Isiah Kassidy, & Komander (with
Alex Abrahantes)
Jon Cruz & Two Partners!

Before the match began, Jon Moxley, Claudio Castagnoli, PAC,
and Marina Shafir ambushed everyone in the ring and
assaulted them!

PAC: “Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, we have been
very patient but ultimately enough is enough. This company
is broken. What happened Saturday at All Out, that was
inevitable. We are inevitable, a product of this festering

“And as for me, I have been very lost for very long, but not
anymore. I have a purpose. Diplomacy has failed ladies and
gentlemen. This company is ours!”

“The Learning Tree” Chris Jericho pulled up to the arena
with “The Red Wood” Big Bill and “The Bad Apple” Bryan

Jericho: “Hi, guys. Today is a glorious day to be the
Learning Tree. I have the $7000 jacket that Orange Cassidy
ruined on me. I’ve also got your backpack. The cash wasn’t
in there, but I found something else that was very
interesting and I’m going to show it to the rest of the
world later tonight.”

ROH World Tag Team Champion “Spanish God” Sammy Guevara

Both men went move for move and reached a stale mate at the
start of the match. Ricochet connected with a dropkick,
sending Sammy spilling to the outside. Ricochet flipped over
the top rope with a somersault and wiped out Sammy and then
landed on his feet!

Sammy rocked Ricochet with a thrust kick on the ramp. Sammy
moonsaulted off the top of the tunnel and took out Ricochet!
Sammy flew over the top rope with a tornillo, making it look

The fans chanted “Flip forever! Flip forever!”

Ricochet nailed a double jump senton off the barricade and
landed onto Sammy! Ricochet rocked Sammy with round kicks.
Sammy absorbed the kicks and rolled up Ricochet for a near
fall. Sammy countered Ricochet with a Destroyer! Sammy
blasted Ricochet with a cutter from the top rope for a near

Sammy scored with a knee strike. Ricochet countered a GTH
with a knee strike and then an ax kick. Ricochet hit the
Vertigo and pinned Sammy!

“Hell of a match by both men that could have gone either
way, but Ricochet got the win!” said Taz.

The Beast Mortos speared Ricochet out of nowhere. Sammy
jumped into the ring with a steel chair, protecting Ricochet
until the Beast Mortos retreated!

Sammy and Ricochet shook hands after the match.

Renee Paquette interviewed the Continental Champion “The
Rainmaker” Okada!

Okada: “Defending my title at All Out was the hardest night
of my life. That’s a lie. It was so easy.”

Don Callis interrupted, and he had Takeshita with him.
Callis: “It looked easy, but you didn’t pin Takeshita.”

Okada: “He will be a champion but not the Continental

Takeshita got into Okada’s face before Okada walked off.

Up next: Darby Allin skated down to the ring, making his
presence known to Jon Moxley, wherever Moxley was.

Darby: “Somebody’s been looking for me. I’m right here.”

Marina Shafir and Jon Moxley walked to the ring. He showed
his hands to Darby, showing he had no weapons with him and
that he was unarmed.

Moxley: “I don’t know what you think you saw or what you
think you heard, but nothing has changed between me and you.
Nothing at all.”

Darby: “That’s enough, Jon. There’s a lot I want to talk to
you about. We came from nothing. I don’t take any of these
fans for granted. AEW gave me everything.

“I want to tell you a story that I’ve never told. My first
year in wrestling, I looked for a hero. Every time I found
that person, they showed me how fake they were. They showed
me that their dignity could be bought, but not you, Jon, and
that’s when I knew I wanted to be just like you.

“You love this industry. Where did we first meet, Jon? It
was in a high school gym on the independents. I lost that
match, but I gained the confidence that I belonged in a ring
with a person like you. I could never do what you did to
Bryan Danielson. So what do you want? Why are you calling me

Moxley: “You have a world title shot at Grand Slam, but
that’s not going to happen now because he’s disposed. That’s
a good thing because you’re not ready. I don’t have time to
explain but I’m going to need you to hand over that title
shot to me.”

Darby: “Did you not hear what I said? Have you been drinking
again? You didn’t earn this, Jon, I earned it. And I’m not
going to give it to you. If you want it so bad, do something
about it.”

Mox: “You want me to earn it? Darby, my man, I will earn it.
Me and you, New York City, Grand Slam, your World Title shot
on the line. I will teach you another lesson. I will show
you where you are on the food chain, very far below me. You
will never be AEW World Champion. I don’t have time to
explain everything to you right now. Trust me. And that
title shot is going to be mine and this time I’m going to
teach you that lesson the hard way.”

Darby: “Grand Slam? I accept. I don’t know what you’re
trying to do around here but if you’re trying to burn AEW to
the ground, don’t be surprised when I pull you into the

Alex Marvez was backstage with Christopher Daniels!

Nigel McGuinness interrupted them and told Daniels they
needed to talk to Tony Khan right now.

“Trust me, he’ll want to hear this,” said Nigel.

AEW Women’s World Championship Eliminator Match!
“The Glamour” Mariah May (c.) vs. Queen Aminata!

Queen Aminata shoved Mariah and Mariah fired back with a
forearm. Aminata put her whole body into a lariat and then a
running PK and the champion was in trouble.

Mariah moved out of the way of a running hip attack. Mariah
May dropkicked Queen Aminata as she was tied up in the
ropes. Mariah cracked Queen Aminata with a running knee as
Aminata was draped over the edge of the ring.

Aminata connected with a pump kick and a snap suplex. Queen
Aminata followed up with a German Suplex. Mariah May drilled
Queen Aminata with a draping DDT out of nowhere.

Queen Aminata scoop slammed the champion and covered her,
but Mariah kicked out at the two-count. Mariah moved out of
the way of a diving foot stomp and connected with a dropkick
and then the Glamour knee strike. Mariah smashed Queen
Aminata with the Storm Zero and picked up the pinfall

“She cleaned out the clock of the Queen with that knee,”
said Tony Schiavone.

Mariah May: “I still haven’t had my AEW Women’s World
Championship celebration! Something is missing! Someone is
missing! Mina Shirakawa, please come back.”

The EVPs—AEW World Tag Team Champions The Young Bucks—
Matthew and Nicholas Jackson were backstage!

Matthew: “We are the tag team division. We’re still here
doing all the heavy lifting. We hear the whispers from the
fans who want new champions. Be mad at the teams who can’t
beat us.”

Nicholas: “It’s the reason why we booked this gauntlet match
tonight. Is there anyone that can get a shot at the greatest
tag team of this generation? Good luck because we’ll be out
there watching live.”

“The Learning Tree” Chris Jericho, “The Red Wood” Big Bill
& “The Bad Apple” Bryan Keith
The Iron Savages—Boulder and Bronson, & Jacked Jameson!

Boulder slapped Jericho and dropped him with a thunderous
right hand. Big Bill tagged in, and he splashed Boulder in
the corner. Big Bill blasted Boulder with a big boot to the

Bryan Keith tagged in and headbutted Jacked Jameson,
following up with the Diamond Dust! Jericho tagged in, put
his boot on Jameson while flexing, and scored the pin for
his team.

Jericho: “Hi, guys. And here I stand, in my custom made
designer jacket that I paid $7000 for that Orange Cassidy
ruined four years ago by pouring orange juice all over it.
I’m going to keep taking your things because I don’t think
you’re going to give me back my money.

“There was no money in your backpack, but this is what I
found. A picture of you with your former best friends. This
is your problem. You’re still obsessed with friendship.
There are no friends in pro wrestling. If you think you have
a friend, you’re probably being used. So forget about your
friendships and pay me my money. I want my cash Orange
Cassidy. You’re going to give me that cash…”

Orange Cassidy interrupted, appearing on the big screen.

“My boys are bringing you the rest of your cash.”

ROH World Champion Mark Briscoe pulled up in a front loader
backstage with Kyle O’Reilly. Briscoe dumped $7000 worth of
coins into Jericho’s brand new Bentley!

Fans chanted “Keep the change! Keep the change!”

Nigel McGuinness was in the ring with a microphone!

Nigel: “There is something I need to address. With Darby
putting his title shot on the line at Grand Slam, that means
there won’t be an AEW World Championship Match. It’s good
for Bryan Danielson but not good for AEW.

“I believe an event like Grand Slam should have the AEW
World Champion compete. Which leads me to this.”

Nigel pulled out a rolled up contract.

Nigel: “How long I’ve had to wait and watch Bryan Danielson
enjoy the success that should have been mine. Danielson is
afraid of me! He is afraid of the one match that everyone
wants to see. But Tony Khan isn’t afraid. Tony Khan knows a
money match when he sees one.

“So at Grand Slam, it will be Bryan Danielson against Nigel
McGuinness! I can guarantee you at Grand Slam, Oasis will
play me to the ring, but will Bryan Danielson join me to the
Final Countdown or have we seen the final match of the
American Coward. The ball is in your court, Bryan!”

FTW Champion HOOK was in an alley with words for Roderick

HOOK: “I respect you, Roddy. However, you went on whining
about how your foot was under the rope when we squared off.
I just regained my championship by beating a legend. And I’m
challenging you now, Roddy, any time, any place. I want to
see you try to take this championship away from me!”

The EVPs—AEW World Tag Team Champions The Young Bucks—
Matthew and Nicholas Jackson onto the ramp to observe the
main event.

Tag Team Casino Gauntlet Match!

The winners of the inaugural Tag Team Casino Gauntlet Match
will wrestle The Young Bucks for the World Tag Team Title at
AEW Grand Slam.

FTR—Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler were the first team out to
the ring. Kyle Fletcher and AEW International Champion the
“Aerial Assassin” Will Ospreay were the second team to

Fletcher knocked Dax over the top rope with a lariat.
Ospreay tried for an Os-Cutter, but Cash countered, throwing
Will into Dax’s arms. Dax hit a slingshot power bomb on Will
for a two-count.

Ospreay moonsaulted off Kyle’s back and landed on Dax. FTR
connected with the power plex on Will for a near fall.
Vincent and Dutch—the Righteous, entered the fray. Vincent
landed on Cash with a senton atomico for a two-count.

The Undisputed Kingdom—Matt Taven and Mike Bennett, were the
next competitors. The Undisputed Kingdom cleaned house on
Fletcher and Ospreay. The Acclaimed—Max Caster and Anthony
Bowens, came out next with a chip on their shoulders.
Stokely Hathaway was watching the match from the front row.

FTR smashed Dax with two fame assers! MxM Collection—Masen
Madden and Mansoor, confronted the Acclaimed in the ring.
The Undisputed Kingdom ambushed them but MxM showed off
effective combination offense on the Kingdom. Top Flight—
Dante and Darius Martin were the next entrants.

Darius spiked Dutch with a DDT. Ospreay and Dante squared
off, going move for move, until Taven poked Dante in the
eyes. Bowens smashed Fletcher with a knee strike. FTR hit
the Shatter Machine on Bowens, but all the other teams ran
in to make the save! The Outrunners—Truth Magnum and Turbo
Floyd, came out to a huge ovation from the fans! The
Outrunners cleaned house with body slams for everyone!

The fans chanted “Tag team wrestling! Tag team wrestling!”

The Grizzled Young Veterans came out, but FTR sprinted up
the ring! Both teams brawled up the ramp and backstage!

Bennett spiked Darius with a piledriver. Fletcher grabbed
Bennett and blasted him with a brain buster. Dante and Kyle
paired off. Dante went for the cross over splash, but
Fletcher raised his knee and Ospreay cracked Dante with the
Hidden Blade! Fletcher covered Dante and pinned him!

Ospreay and Fletcher will be facing the Young Bucks in two
weeks for the titles at AEW Grand Slam!

“What a night for Kyle Fletcher and the Aerial Assassin!”
said Excalibur.

This Friday tune in to AEW RAMPAGE at 10/9c on TNT!

Don’t miss AEW COLLISION on Saturday on TNT at 8/7c from the
Nutter Center in Dayton, OH!

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from
the Mohegan Sun Arena in Wilkes-Barre, PA!

Tickets On Sale Now! –

Mark your calendar! AEW WrestleDream is taking place at the
Tacoma Dome on Saturday, October 12th, and will also be live
on pay-per-view! Secure your tickets now!

And remember… We are AEW—Where The Best Wrestle!


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