
This episode of AEW RAMPAGE was broadcast on TNT from the
Simmons Bank Arena in Little Rock, AR!

Your broadcast team was Tony Schiavone, Excalibur, and
“Daddy Magic” Matt Menard!

It’s Friday and you know what that means! The fastest hour
in professional wrestling!


Trios Match!The Undisputed Kingdom—Roderick Strong & ROH
World Tag Champions Mike Bennett & Matt Taven
The Conglomeration— “Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy, Kyle
O’Reilly, & Tomohiro Ishii!

Kyle and Roddy locked up. Roddy used a side headlock
takeover. Kyle escaped and he and Roddy continued to chain
wrestle until Orange Cassidy tagged in. Orange hit Taven
with two arm drags. Ishii entered the match and knocked down
Taven with a shoulder block. Ishii cleaned house on the rest
of the Undisputed Kingdom.

“How do you not love Ishii?!” said Daddy Magic.

The Conglomeration put their heads together and suplexed
Taven and Bennett. The Conglomeration chopped at Bennett’s
chest. Orange dropped an elbow on Bennett. Ishii came in and
punished the chests of Taven and Bennett with chops.
Roderick entered the fray and took down Tomohiro with a

Roderick nailed Ishii with a back breaker. Kyle entered the
ring and wiped out Taven and Bennett with round kicks. Taven
gouged the eyes of Kyle. Ishii hoisted up Taven for a suplex
and then Kyle kicked Taven in the end to put a punctuation
point at the end of the sentence, walloping Taven with
Chasing the Dragon!

Orange Cassidy crushed Bennett with a Stun Dog Millionaire!
Kyle followed up with an ax kick and then Ishii leveled
Bennett with a big lariat! The Undisputed Kingdom regained
the upper hand, with Roddy delivering the sick kick on
Ishii, and then Taven covered Ishii after the Proton Pack
for a near fall!

“Man, three big shots from the Undisputed Kingdom! How tough
is Ishii?” wondered Excalibur.

Ishii blocked two knee strikes from Roddy. Cassidy caught a
tag and went for a tope suicida on Bennett and Taven, but
they blocked it, and then Strong slid into Orange with a
baseball dropkick. Roderick rocked Orange with a back

Ishii tagged in and blasted Roddy with a brain buster. He
served one up to Bennett! Ishii climbed to the top rope,
meeting Taven up there, and then drilled Taven with an
avalanche brain buster. Roderick Strong jumped in to break
up Ishii’s pin attempt.

Orange spiked Bennett with a DDT! Roddy cracked Kyle with a
jumping knee strike! Orange cracked Taven with the Orange
Punch and scored the pin!

Don Callis walked down to the ring after the match. Callis
approached Orange Cassidy until Kyle Fletcher ambushed
Orange from behind!

“Where did he come from?” asked Excalibur.

“Could this be payback for Trent?” wondered Tony Schiavone.

“I don’t think there’s any question about it,” replied

ROH World Champion Mark Briscoe sprinted to the ring to even
up the odds, administering redneck kung fu and sending
Fletcher packing. Roderick Strong caught Briscoe from behind
with a jumping knee strike! Roderick Strong lifted up the
ROH World Championship and said, “This is mine!”

FTW Champion “The Learning Tree” Chris Jericho & “The
Redwood” Big Bill (with “The Bad Apple” Bryan Keith)
The Outrunners—Turbo Floyd & Truth Magnum!

“I guess Chris Jericho is so confident that Big Bill is
going to destroy these guys that Jericho didn’t even change
into his gear,” noted Tony Schiavone.

Big Bill battered both members of the Outrunners by himself
while Jericho stood on the apron, texting on his phone. Big
Bill chopped Turbo Floyd and then stomped him. Big Bill
splashed Turbo and Truth in opposite corners of the ring.
Big Bill choke slammed Turbo Floyd! Jericho tagged in,
placed his boot on Turbo, posed, and pinned Turbo!

“Next week on Dynamite: Blood & Guts, Big Bill and Bryan
Keith will be banned from ringside when Chris Jericho has to
defend his FTW Title against Minoru Suzuki,” said Excalibur.

Minoru Suzuki vs. The Butcher!

Butcher shoved Suzuki into the turnbuckles. Suzuki fired
back with forearms and then a running boot to the Butcher’s
face. Butcher intercepted the PK and dropped an elbow on
Suzuki’s leg. Butcher suplexed Suzuki. Butcher headbutted

Suzuki slid behind the Butcher and applied a sleeper. Suzuki
planted Butcher with a Gotch-style piledriver and then
pinned Butcher!

Kris Statlander (with Stokely Hathaway) vs. Sydni Winnell!

Statlander walloped Sydni with a lariat right out of the
gates! Kris battered Sydni in the corner with strikes and
stomps! Kris hit a snap suplex. Sydni fired back with an
elbow strike. Kris hoisted up Sydni and stuffed her with the
Saturday Night Fever, picking up the quick pinfall victory!

Rampage Main Event Time!
The Lucha Bros—Penta El Zero Miedo & Rey Fenix (with Alex
Private Party—Marq Quen & Isiah Kassidy!

Brother Zay and Rey Fenix traded forearms. Zay hit a
hurricanrana on Fenix, applying the pressure. Rey Fenix
dodged a cutter. Kassidy shoved Rey Fenix into Private
Party’s corner and Quen grabbed a tag. Rey Fenix managed to
tag out to his brother Penta El Zero Miedo.

Penta El Zero Miedo booted Marq Quen in the face and
followed up with a thrust kick to Quen’s head. Things broke
down as both teams traded tandem offensive with a flurry.
Marq Quen and Penta El Zero Miedo taunted one another,
getting into each other’s face. Penta blasted Marq Quen with
a chop and knocked Quen to the mat.

Brother Zay and Rey Fenix tagged in for their respective
teams and traded forearms, slugging it out. Zay connected
with the Silly String on Penta! Quen stomped on Rey Fenix
with a stomp-neck breaker combo on Fenix, and Zay followed
up with a senton atomico for a near fall!

The Lucha Bros countered a Gin & Juice attempt from Private
Party. Rey Fenix punted Brother Zay after walking the tight
rope! Penta El Zero Miedo followed up with sling blades on
Zay and Quen! Rey Fenix climbed to the top turnbuckle, but
Marq Quen shoved Penta into Rey Fenix, which forced Fenix to
lose his balance! Private Party wasted no time, serving up
Gin & Juice on Rey Fenix! Penta broke the pin attempt by
jumping off Marq Quen’s back and then drilling Zay with a

“Are you kidding me!?” said Daddy Magic in amazement.

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

The Lucha Bros rallied back with a double thrust kick on
Brother Zay! They isolated Marq Quen and sandwiched his head
with thrust kicks.

“That’ll crush a skull,” said Tony Schiavone.

Penta El Zero Miedo held up Marq Quen while Rey Fenix jumped
up for the double stomp Fear Factor on Quen! Rey Fenix flew
out of the ring with a tope suicida onto Brother Zay while
Penta El Zero Miedo scored the pin on Marq Quen!

“Does it make them the number one contenders now? They’ve
got a great case!” said Daddy Magic.

“They sure do!” replied Excalibur.

Don’t miss AEW COLLISION live on Saturday on TNT at 8/7c
from the Esports Stadium Arlington in Arlington, TX!

Catch AEW DYNAMITE: Blood & Guts on TBS next Wednesday live
at 8/7ct from the Bridgestone Arena in Nashville, TN!

Tickets On Sale Now! –

Mark your calendars for AEW ALL IN: London—August 25, 2024—
taking place at Wembley Stadium and live on pay-per-view!
Secure your tickets at and!

And remember… We are AEW—Where The Best Wrestle!


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