Brandi Rhodes Details Health Struggles, Shares Post-Surgery Update


It's been one hell of a year so far for Cody Rhodes, as he closes in on the two month anniversary of him finally winning the Undisputed WWE Universal Championship from Roman Reigns at WrestleMania 40. But as Rhodes has been reaching the pinnacle of his wrestling career, his wife, Brandi Rhodes, has unfortunately been struggling with a health issue that's plagued her for years.


Taking to Instagram on Wednesday afternoon, Rhodes posted a photo from a hospital room. Rhodes explained that since the birth of her and Cody's child, Liberty, in 2021, she had been dealing with internal pain, which doctors initially told her would disappear. After it didn't, Rhodes would end up consulting with three doctors, including a new OB and a pelvic floor therapist, with none of them being able to determine what was causing her pain and bloating, with Rhodes also saying her cycle became "crazy and unpredictable."

After another doctor suggested she was suffering from IBS, despite her not showing the same symptoms, Rhodes initially gave up on search for an answer, until she saw Maryse Mizanin post about undergoing a full hysterectomy to remove ovarian serous tumors. Following that, Rhodes found another doctor who determined she was suffering from endometriosis, leading her to scheduling surgery. The two and a half hour procedure determined Rhodes was suffering from stage four endometriosis, the highest level of the condition.


Rhodes credited Maryse's story for inspiring her to continue searching for what was ailing hes, and that she decided to share her story today in order to inspire others to keep searching for answers in similar situations. She closed her post by saying women's health issues too often get dismissed in the medical world, and implored women to be "advocates for ourselves and our bodies."

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