Dave Bautista Recalls Realizing Vince McMahon Tore His Quads At 2005 WWE Royal Rumble


Given that the match didn't go according to plan, Batista was rightly worried that Vince McMahon would want to speak to him about botching the end of one of WWE's most important matches of the year. 

"I got to the building and somebody immediately said, 'Vince wants to see you in his office.' I was saying, 'Ah, here it comes.' So I went to his office, and my heart is beating, just in my head I'm packing my bags," Batista said.


Fortunately, McMahon was in high spirits as "The Animal" walked into McMahon's office to see him smiling, laughing, and covered in bandages with a pair of crutches by his side. 

"I was like, 'You're not going to fire me?' And he goes, 'No, I loved it. It was real. It was so great, and it was real, and nobody knew what was going happen.' He loved it." 

Batista believes that because McMahon has accomplished virtually everything there is to accomplish in life, excitement is all he lives for. He believes the chaotic end to the Rumble match excited McMahon, which made it easier for the former WWE CEO to forgive him.

Please credit "Insight" when using quotes from this article, and give a H/T to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.



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