Eric Young Praises Triple H, Comments On WWE-TNA Relationship


TNA star Eric Young has provided his thoughts on the current WWE-TNA crossover while also complimenting Chief Content Officer and Head of Creative Triple H, stating that he's the main reason WWE's quality has increased in the last two years.


Speaking with "Brass Ring Media," Young specifically went into detail about the impact "The Game" has had both on and off screen, while mentioning that the relationship between WWE and TNA is just reaching its peak. 

"Hunter is a genius you know. It's the reason the WWE is as good as it is right now, it's because of him, and it starts with him and ends with him. You know, obviously, it's not one person, there's a million super talented people pulling the rope just like there is at AEW, just like there is at TNA, but the partnership right now, it's the tip of the iceberg and there's no telling where it could end up," said Young.

He also believes it's important for stars from various promotions to have exposure and gain experience in WWE. Young also shared that it's taken too long for these cross-promotional relationships to occur. 


"People going up there and getting a taste of that machine and understanding how that machine works and getting exposure from the WWE and the social media and all of that stuff it's just advantageous for everybody and the fact that it's taken this long to happen is criminal and stupid," said Young. 

He also mentioned there are already proven benefits to the WWE-TNA crossover such as an increase in ratings across both platforms, while also sharing how excited he is to watch how the partnership between the two companies continues to grow.

If you use any of the quotes in this article, please credit "Brass Ring Media" with a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.


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