GRAND RAPIDS - Independence Pro Wrestling at the Patterson Ice
Center: Jackson Stone pinned Chad Alpha…KC Tempest defeated
Dragon Jones & Invictus…J. Skutt pinned Tyler Dynamite…
Michiana champion Anderson Knight defeated Cyber champion
LaDon Sanders by count out…Brutus Dylan & The Midwest Misfits
(Chris Malvado & Ominous Ramirez) defeated Max Morrison, Jimmy
Shalwin, & Mondo Real…Tag Team champions Da’ Yoopers (Remnar
Gundlach & J. Lee) defeated Hexus #9 & Julius Iscariot…Stella
Buho defeated champion Lil Missy & Kitty LaFleur to win the
Women’s belt…Terry VanAvery pinned Josh Raymond…Big Jorge
defeated Heavyweight champion Jumal Kyng by disqualification.