Independence Pro Wrestling June 29 Grand Rapids, MI results



GRAND RAPIDS - Independence Pro Wrestling at the Patterson
Ice Center: Dior Nollins pinned Mondo Real...Anderson Knight
pinned Bendrick Bison...Chad Alpha pinned Max
Morrison...Durag defeated Big Jorge, Royce Carney III,
Marcus Porter, & Kevin Storm...Brutus Dylan pinned LaDon
Sanders...Dior Nollins pinned Anderson Knight...Chad Alpha
pinned Brutus Dylan...Stella Buho pinned Women's champion
Thunder Kitty Lefluer in a non title match...Chad Alpha
pinned Dior Nollins to win the Fate of Eight Tournament.

NOTES: The next IPW show is Saturday, July 13th in Muskegon,
Michigan for the annual War on the Shore on the deck of the
USS LST 393 ship. Matches announced thus far is Fate of
Eight tournament winner faces Heavyweight champion Jumal
Kyng. Interim Michiana champion Jimmy Shalwin vs Jimmy
Jacobs. Stella Buho challenges Women's champion Thunder
Kitty Lefluer in a first blood match. Anderson Knight faces
Big Jorge in a grudge match.


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