Jim Ross Remembers Late AEW Star Brodie Lee, FKA Luke Harper In WWE


Jim Ross said that he still often attends fan conventions and always gets asked about his time working with Brodie Lee. According to Ross, he always have the same response when these questions are thrown to him.


"I loved it. I loved it. Big rugged guy. He's right down my alley. If I could design a heel, that'd be him."

Ross also noted how good the late star was at taking bumps in the ring, but that he was also a warm person backstage. "He was fun to talk to, he was always in a decent mood –- a great mood -– 'cause he loved what he was doing!"

AEW and Reebok are set to release a sneaker to pay homage to Lee early in July, which Ross also briefly weighed in on. "He's certainly missed and I'm glad they're doing things like this so they can keep his memory alive, but he was a hell of a hand for us in AEW. Just a hell of a hand and had some great matches. And you didn't see through his s**t; it was solid."


Erick Redbeard has often spoken about how happy his late friend was in AEW, and the promotion has continued to pay homage to him, even going so far as still having him listed as "Mr. Brodie Lee" on its official roster page.


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