Kane & The Undertaker Discuss 'Tough Lessons' Former WWE Star Big Show Had To Learn


Kane and The Undertaker, two of WWE's most iconic figures, have shared the ring with countless legends throughout their storied careers, including the towering Big Show. Both men have witnessed firsthand the challenges and growth of the seven-foot giant, who had to learn some tough lessons during his time in WWE.


Kane recently appeared on The Undertaker's "Six Feet Under" podcast, where he opened up about one such lesson Big Show had to learn early on regarding his chops. 

"In their [WWE's] infinite wisdom, they book Kane and the Big Show in a steel cage in Trenton with nobody, there's like 1500 people there, so I'm already in a not great mood," Kane started. "We get in there and it's about just four or five minutes into the match and he would say, 'I'm sorry,' before he chopped you in the chest. It's a preemptive apology. He bends me over the top rope, and he says, 'Sorry,' and I went, 'Me too.' And he had this weird look on his face like, 'What do you mean?' So he slaps me, and I drilled him right in the face. Afterwards, though, I thought, you know, he's seven feet tall and 500 pounds. I don't know if that's the smartest thing I've ever done in my entire life."


The Undertaker added his perspective on Big Show's early days in the business.

"In his very first match, he beats Hulk Hogan. In that system down there [in WCW], with those personalities, man, he was a handful when he come up [to WWE]. He thought his s*** didn't stink and it was gonna be his way. And he was in for a rude awakening."

Big Show eventually learned how to be successful in the ring and outside of it during his time with WWE, and became one of the best big men in wrestling history.


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