RICOCHET: Ricochet’s WWE deal expires, now a free agent


Ricochet’s WWE contract officially expired during the
weekend and he is now a free agent.

The former NXT North American champion is expected to join
AEW at any moment and his WWE profile has already been moved
to the Alumni section of the website.

His seven-year run with WWE ended on the June 10 episode of
Raw when he was destroyed by Bron Breaker and did the
stretcher job. He was offered a new contract but he opted
not to sign it. He has no no-compete clause so in theory he
could appear on any show at any time.

Another star, Natalya, is also reportedly about to, if not
already, lose her WWE deal. Natalya was not at Raw yesterday
and her status remains unknown. The in-ring veteran has been
offered a new WWE deal but last known information was that
she did not sign yet.


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