Ridge Holland Turns On Chase U After Nathan Frazer & Axiom Reclaim WWE NXT Tag Titles


It's seems that school's out for Chase U, as Ridge Holland turned on Andre Chase, Duke Hudson, and Riley Osborne after a devastating loss to Nathan Frazer and Axiom at "WWE NXT" No Mercy.

Sunday's opening bout was nothing short of electrifying as Holland and Chase defended their NXT Tag Team Championships against Frazer and Axiom. In the beginning act of the match, Frazer and Axiom overwhelmed Chase with high-flying action. It was only thanks to the pure muscle of Holland that Chase U held their ground in the tag team contest, and the Colorado crowd cheered louder and louder as they watched the match draw on with near falls after near falls.


The match began to unravel when Axiom kicked out of a Powerbomb and Backstabber combination from Chase U. Eager to secure the victory after twenty minutes of fighting, Chase ascended to the top rope, only to be intercepted via Enzuigiri by Axiom. Frazer tagged in, and the former tag champions landed a Spanish Fly and Phoenix Splash combo onto the lone Chase. Frazer pinned Chase to reclaim their titles.

After Frazer and Axiom exited the ring, Chase U was seen standing, dumbfounded and depressed. Enraged, Holland turned on the faction, and quickly flattened Chase, Hudson, and Osborne. Thea Hail begged Holland to stop, but Holland ignored her tearful pleas as he ended his tirade with an announce table DDT onto Chase.


With this loss, Chase U's NXT Tag Team Championship reign has concluded at 18 days. They gained the titles on the August 13 episode of "WWE NXT," when they defeated Frazer and Axiom. This was the faction's second run with the titles overall, with Chase pairing up with Hudson during their first tag title run. Sunday marked the beginning of Frazer and Axiom's second tag title reign.


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