The Godfather Lists WWE Hall Of Famer Among Hardest People To Work With


WWE Hall of Famer The Godfather wrestled several of the best names of his generation, and he has named some of the easiest and toughest stars he has faced.

The veteran recently looked back at his career during an episode of "Poddin' Ain't Easy," and listed a few of the opponents who were easy to work with.


"Owen Hart, Shawn Michaels, Fit Finlay, Dave Taylor [were easy] — I mean, I can keep going on but Owen and Shawn were a night off," Godfather said. 

He further noted that both would "sell their asses off" and that he would let Shawn Michaels call the entire match when they would clash because of how easily everything would flow. On the other end, Godfather recalled facing Bob Backlund and Kamala during his days as Papa Shango, whom he described as the most difficult men to work with, explaining that it was difficult to sell their moves. 

"Kamala was so much better at his gimmick than I was with mine, that I didn't know what to do," Godfather admitted. "When I got into it with Kamala, he would act like he was afraid of me because I'm a voodoo man (...) and I didn't know how to react to it."


Not too long ago, The Godfather retold the story of how he got his start in professional wrestling while he was still a bouncer, recalling how a movie from Sylvester Stallone played an integral role in him taking the sport seriously.


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