The Undertaker Looks Back On Working With Fellow WWE Hall Of Famer Bret Hart


The Undertaker has looked back on his time working with Bret Hart in WWE and praised the WWE Hall of Famer. Throughout the '90s, Hart and 'Taker locked horns on several occasions, specifically between 1996 and 1997 with the WWE Championship on the line, in a stylistic clash of overt character and wrestling technicality. 


Undertaker looked back on their time working together during a recent episode of "Six Feet Under," praising Hart for his conduct, especially as a champion.

"Bret always carried himself, conducted himself [well]. Like, when he was a champion, I mean, he conducted himself in that manner. There was no doubt that he was the world champion," he said. 

"The Deadman" noted that Hart differed from many during that time as he put his ring work above character work. 

"In the '90s, everything was about the character. It was always setting that character and building that character, and Bret was a wrestling purist. He wasn't real gimmicky. In fact, when he talks about me, it's funny because he always calls me like doing the Frankenstein character ... It never got under my skin one bit, but that's his analogy of that character, and I understand the analogy."


Undertaker said that working with the "Excellence of Execution" gave him the opportunity to prove he was more than just the character, showcasing his ability in the ring against one of the best. He emphasized that he went into working with Hart with the goal of proving that, and praised his opponent for going above and beyond to do it for him. 

"He worked as much as he could within himself to get the character over but Bret had wrestling matches. So it allowed me that opportunity, which I wanted to be able to showcase, the fact that I could work," Undertaker said. 


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