The Undertaker Recalls Trading Ribs With Late WWE Hall Of Famer Paul Bearer


The Undertaker didn't retaliate for weeks after Paul Bearer had pulled his cucumber prank, until one long drive to Seattle where he finally got his revenge. Bearer had expressed that he needed to use the restroom during the lengthy commute to the arena that day and continuously pointed out restaurants and gas stations where they could stop. But, The Undertaker hilariously continued to drive by every single location where they could stop until they finally got close to Seattle. 


"I can see like three blocks down, I could see like an Exxon or something like that, I'm moving through the traffic and everything and he goes, 'right up there god dammit,' and as soon as he said that, man, I make a hard right turn and that was all it took, man. So we go up like two more blocks and pull into this gas station, he had pissed himself ... he is so mad at me and I was like — Paul, he's just so pissy now right — I said, 'I don't like cucumbers.'" 

The Undertaker continued to explain that when he and Bearer arrived at the arena later that night, fans greeted them outside the building where Bearer still had a large pee stain on the front of his jeans. 


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