Thunder Rosa & Tommy Dreamer Compare Ricochet In WWE Vs. AEW Incarnation


Last year, upon the expiration of his contract, Ricochet made the decision to leave WWE after more than six years with the company. He's since made his debut in AEW and returned to NJPW, and while it took some time, a recent heel turn has allowed Ricochet to build some momentum. Speaking on "Busted Open Radio," former WWE star Tommy Dreamer and AEW's Thunder Rosa shared their thoughts on the evolution of Ricochet.

"I don't think I [have] ever seen Ricochet talk the way that he does now," Rosa said. "I know that when he was feuding with Logan Paul, he had an opportunity to cut a couple promos, but his peer was a little bit better on the mic because he was a jackass, right? But now, he has that opportunity that he probably never had before, to really be a nasty, little jerk, and I think it is working."

Rosa complimented Ricochet's wrestling skills and his ability to create "memorable moments" for the fans. The fact that he doesn't wrestle a traditional style might rub some viewers the wrong way, but Rosa doesn't believe that has held him back. As for Dreamer, the veteran performer feels that Ricochet was never going to be one of the top guys in WWE.

"I don't think he was comfortable in front of a microphone," Dreamer said. "Now we're seeing this other type of character. ... He [committed] a very, very violent act, and seemed to enjoy it, and it's a different side of him."

When Ricochet first arrived in AEW last summer, Dreamer still didn't feel as though the wrestler was necessarily destined for the top of the card. However, that has begun to change, and Dreamer credited AEW's commentary team along with Ricochet himself for altering that perception.


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