WWE LIVE: MVP offers fans $10,000 to take down Omos at non-televised live event


At last night’s non-televised live event in Saginaw,
Michigan, MVP offered $10,000 to anyone in the arena who
wanted to take a shot and knock Omos off his feet.

Standing in the middle of the ring with the money in his
hand, MVP said that he knows this particular area has been
“economically challenged” for some time and most of the fans
in attendance could barely afford their ticket to the show.

“So, I’m giving you an opportunity to change your life. I
have $10,000 right here, more money than any of you have
seen at one time,” MVP said. “I am putting up $10,000 of my
money to anyone that can knock the Nigerian Giant off his

People started to raise their hands and MVP then proceeded
to poke fun at some of them at ringside for not looking the

“Your money is safe,” said Omos. “Cause none of these
cowards stand a chance!”

Omos crushed Akira Tozawa at the show, his fourth match in a
row against the Japanese star during house shows.


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