WWE NXT Results 10/1 - Two Title Matches, Wes Lee Vs. Zach Wentz In A Chicago Street Fight & More


The bell rings and the two lock up. Williams rolls up Page, but Page kicks out. Page gets in Punk's face and tells him to count faster, then locks up with Williams again. Williams looks to land a closed fist right hand on Page, but Punk stops him. Page takes advantage and rolls up Williams, but Punk catches his feet on the ropes and stops his count. Page connects with a boot on Williams, but Williams dropkicks him out of the ring through the ropes. Page then sends Williams through the barricade near the timekeeper's area.


Back from the break, Page rains down right hands on Williams and lands a boot on the side of his jaw. He looks to land another one, but Williams catches it. Page responds with a DDT and goes for a pin, but Williams kicks out. Williams lands a boot on Page's face that sends him crashing out of the ring, but Page sends him crashing into the ring steps face first and delivers an Ego's Edge to Williams through the announce desk.

Williams and Page fire off right hands on one another, but Page rocks Williams with a pair of kicks. Williams lands a pop-up right hand on Page, then sends him crashing into the mat and follows it up with a uranage. Page lands a right hand on Williams, then sets up for Ego's Edge. Williams escapes and lands the Trick Shot on Page for the win.


Winner (and new): Trick Williams

After the match, confetti rains down from the ceiling as Williams celebrates becoming a two time NXT Champion. Punk connects with a GTS on Page, and Williams continues celebrating as the show goes off the air.


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