WWE NXT Results - 10/8/2024: Orton Vs. Evans, Tag Team Title Match, More


Randy Orton vs. Je'Von Evans

The bell rings. They stare each other down. They lock up. Orton works a headlock. Orton walks away from a dropkick. They lock up and Orton assaults the arm. Evans escapes to the outside. Evans gets back in the ring, Orton dodges an attack. Evans locks in a headlock. Orton dodges a springboard cutter.


Orton throws Evans in the corner and eats a superkick for his trouble. Evans hits a big dropkick. Orton retreats to the outside in shock. We head to commercial.

Back from commercial and Orton has Evans laid out over the Announce Table. Orton tries to Back Drop Evans onto the announce table but he lands on his feet. Evans leaps to the apron. Evans goes for a suicide dive but Orton catches him and Back Drops him onto the announce table. Orton grabs Evans and does it two more times. Orton holds up one finger and slams Evans onto the announce table one more time.

Back in the ring, Orton maintains dominance, dropping Evans repeatedly to the canvas. Evans recovers and hits a springboard crossbody. Evans drops Orton with a big kick and covers for a nearfall. Orton hits a big powerslam for a nearfall. Orton hits a Hangman DDT. Orton signals for an RKO. Evans hits a superkick. Both men are down. Evans recovers and hits a double jump springboard cutter for a nearfall. Evans goes for a corkscrew attack but Orton tries for an RKO. They screw it up so Orton hits a proper RKO for the pinfall


WINNER: Randy Orton.

After the match, Orton shows respect to Evans and raises his hand. Backstage, Ava tells Ethan Page that he has to earn his championship opportunity. Next week, Wes Lee vs. Ethan Page vs. Je'Von Evans to determine Trick Williams's opponent at Halloween Havoc.


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