WWE NXT Results - 8/20/2024: #1 Contender Triple Threat, Gauntlet Eliminator, More


WWE NXT Championship #1 Contender Match: Wes Lee vs. Pete Dunne vs. Joe Hendry

Lee and Dunne charge Hendry during his entrance. Hendry fights back and tosses both men around. Lee gets in some offense but is sent out of the ring. Hendry and Dunne trade blows. Lee rejoins the fight and is neutralized by Dunne. Hendry hits a catapult, sending Lee's head into Dunne's crotch. Wes Lee hits a Koppo Kick on Hendry. Outside the ring and Dunne fights with Lee. Hendry hits a big slingshot senton to the outside. We head to commercial.


Back from commercial and Hendry continues to dominate, hitting a double Fallaway Slam on Lee and Dunne. Dunne comes back and stretches Hendry and Dunne's fingers. Dunne hits an X-Plex on Hendry for a nearfall. Dunne and Lee duke it out in the ring. They battle on the top rope. Hendry knocks Lee to the floor. Hendry hits an Avalanche Fallaway Slam. Lee hits a Frog Splash on Hendry for a nearfall. Dunne stops Lee from hitting a handspring and breaks Lee's fingers. Hendry hits Dunne with a Chokeslam. Ethan Page pulls the referee out of the ring to break up the pinfall. Hendry chokeslams Lee through the announce desk.

Back in the ring, Hendry hits Dunne with a chokeslam but Page stops the official from getting to the ring. Dunne hits Bitter End on Hendry. Trick Williams runs in and takes out Dunne. Hendry covers. A third referee counts the fall to Page's chagrin.



After the match, Zachary Wentz jumps the barricade and attacks Wes Lee.


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