WWE NXT Results 9/10 - Four Championships On The Line, Last Man Standing Match & More


The bell rings and the pair waste no time firing off right hands on one another. Williams runs over Dunne with a clothesline, but Dunne sends Williams crashing out of the ring and flies over the top rope to level him. He hits a right hands on him and sends him crashing into the ring steps shoulder first, but Williams responds with several chops of his own and looks to land a piledriver on Dunne on the ring apron. Dunne counters into a back body drop.


Back from the break, Williams connects with a pair of leg lariats on Dunne. He follows it up with a flapjack and kips up, but Dunne grabs a chair and stomps on Williams's fingers on top of the chair. Williams hits Dunne's midsection with the chair, then delivers a neckbreaker to him on top of it. The referee beats a ten count, but Dunne makes it to his feet before he can finish it.

Dunne fires off stomps on Williams's chest, then sets up the chair between the middle and top turnbuckles and sends Williams crashing into it face first. The referee begins a ten count, but Williams beats it. Dunne then sends Williams crashing into the ring steps on the outside and lands a boot on his head before the referee begins another ten count. As Williams makes it up to his feet, Dunne exposes the concrete and sends Williams crashing on top of it with a DDT. The referee begins another ten count, but Williams makes it to his feet before he can complete it.


Dunne lands a boot on Williams' face back in the ring and fires off stomps on his head, and the referee starts about ten count. Williams beats it and lands a pop-up right hand on Dunne. He sets up for the Trick Shot, but Dunne sees him coming and sends Williams colliding into the corner. He then sends Williams crashing into the mat and grabs the chair before looking to hit Williams with it. Williams sees Dunne coming and levels him with a spinning pump kick using the chair. The referee begins a ten count, and Dunne beats it. Williams then catches Dunne with the Trick Shot, and the referee starts another ten count.

Dunne powers back up to his feet, and Williams clears the announce desk. Dunne powerbombs Williams on top of the part with the "NXT" logo that Williams had placed in the corner. The referee counts to ten, but Williams makes it back up to his feet. Dunne then dumps Williams into the crowd and drags him up onto the platform talent occasionally watch the in-ring action from. He pulls down one of the barriers, then looks to send Williams crashing through a table beneath it. Williams blocks it, but the two are then sent crashing through the table when Dunne lands a Russian Leg Sweep on Williams. Ethan Page appears at ringside to cheer Dunne on as the referee begins a ten count. Williams makes his way up to his feet at the count of nine and sends Page crashing through the announce desk with a back body drop to become the new Number One Contender.


Winner (and new Number One Contender): Trick Williams

We then head backstage to Ava's office, where Ava informs Stevie Turner and Mr. Stone that CM Punk will be appearing on next week's show to make a special announcement about the upcoming "NXT" Chicago show on October 1.


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