WWE Raw Results 10/7 - World Heavyweight & Intercontinental Titles On The Line, Donnybrook Match


The bell rings and the two lock up. They take turns wearing each other down with submissions, but Zayn dumps GUNTHER out of the ring and looks to fly. GUNTHER sees him coming, but Zayn stops his momentum before he is sent crashing into something.


Back from the break, GUNTHER drapes Zayn across the top turnbuckle and lands a chop across his chest. Zayn looks to fly, but GUNTHER intercepts him with a chop across his chest and lands a second one on him. He lands a trio of boots on Zayn's jaw, but Zayn responds with a kick to GUNTHER's jaw and looks to land a Blue Thunder Bomb.

GUNTHER blocks Zayn and cinches in a Sleeper on him, but Zayn quickly escapes. GUNTHER locks in another one on Zayn, but Zayn escapes once again and sends him crashing into the mat with a spinning sit out powerbomb.

Back from another break, GUNTHER sends Zayn crashing into the mat and connects with a pair of chops. The action spills out of the ring, and Zayn connects with a back body drop on GUNTHER. He follows it up with an Exploder into the barricade and a Helluva Kick, then dumps GUNTHER back in the ring and follows him in there.


Zayn connects with a Helluva Kick on GUNTHER and looks to land a second one, but GUNTHER sees him coming and levels him with a clothesline. He goes for a pin, but Zayn kicks out. Zayn rolls up GUNTHER, but GUNTHER kicks out and dropkicks Zayn into the corner. He follows it up with a powerbomb and goes for a pin of his own, but Zayn kicks out.

GUNTHER lands another powerbomb on Zayn and pins him, but Zayn quickly kicks out and gets fired up. GUNTHER then locks in a Sleeper on Zayn, and Zayn fades.

Winner (and still): GUNTHER

After the match, Cody Rhodes' music hits and he makes his way out to the ring to stare down GUNTHER ahead of their match at WWE Crown Jewel as the show goes off the air. 


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