Rollins welcomes fans to Monday Night Rollins and introduces himself, then addresses his match against CM Punk next week. He says Punk turned his back on fans and took his ball home, but Punk's music hits and he makes his way out.
Punk clarifies to Rollins that he left WWE because he was sick and tired, and Rollins is only upset because he abandoned him rather than the fan. He says if Rollins wants to talk about the last ten years, then they can talk about all the injuries Rollins has sustained within that time. He says he came back to WWE in order to make money, but Rollins reminds Punk of everything he publicly said after he left WWE and the fact that he went to work for the competition in AEW. Rollins says Punk can't pick and choose sides as he pleases and come back to WWE when they're on the winning side of things.
Punk says the guy who was in charge of AEW hated Rollins, then says he's trying to play the victim in a situation that he created. He warns Rollins that he'll bring the beating to him next week, but Rollins calls Punk a cancer to the locker room and the professional wrestling business. He says the only way to defeat cancer is to cut it out and warns Punk that he'll burn him to the ground. The two then stare each other down as the show goes off the air.