The bell rings and the two lock up. Punk levels Zayn with a shoulder tackle, but Zayn responds with a clothesline to Punk and follows it up with a superplex off the top rope. Zayn looks to fly off the top rope, but Punk catches him with a dropkick before the two level one another with crossbodies.
Zayn connects with a Tornado DDT on Punk, but Punk delivers a shoulder to Zayn's midsection in the corner and follows it up with a step-up knee. Zayn responds with a Blue Thunder Bomb and pins Punk, but Punk kicks out and Zayn sends him crashing into the ring post shoulder first. Punk then rolls up Zayn, but Zayn kicks out.
Punk fires off right hands on Zayn, but Zayn responds with several of his own and sets up for the Helluva Kick. Punk catches Zayn and connects with the GTS for the win.
Winner: CM Punk
After the match, Punk offers his hand to Zayn and Zayn takes it. Kevin Owens appears out of nowhere and attacks Zayn from behind and connects with a Package Piledriver on him.