WWE SmackDown Live Results 9/6 - Bloodline Eight-Man Tag Match, Bayley Vs. Tiffany Stratton, More


After a commercial break, a video package airs showing Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill reclaiming the women's tag titles at Bash in Berlin. The announcers run down the card for next week, which includes Kevin Owens and a partner against A-Town Down Under, the fifth match between Carmelo Hayes and Andrade, and the steel cage title match between Cody Rhodes and Solo Sikoa.


Before the main event, DIY and The Street Profits cut a promo backstage. They agree that even though they don't necessarily like each other, the tag titles have to be freed from The Bloodline. After the backstage segment, all four members of The New Bloodline make their way to the ring as we go to break.

Back from commercial, The Profits make their entrance, followed by DIY, and the match begins with a massive brawl as the bell rings! Fatu gets his hands on Johnny Gargano, but the Profits hit a double dropkick and knock him outside the ring! The babyfaces hold the ring as the Bloodline regroups outside. Now it's Dawkins and Tanga Loa in the ring. Dawkins hits a big move then tags in Ford, who hits a shoulder tackle followed by a splash and a running kick. Ford taunts The Bloodline, then hits a running frog splash off the ropes for a two count.


Loa manages to take control and tag out to Tama Tonga, who hits Ford with a series of punches and taunts his teammates. Tonga tries a backdrop but Ford backflips out of it and tags out to Gargano, who hits a spear through the ropes. Ciampa tags in and beats on Tonga some more, but Fatu tags in a levels Ciampa with a clothesline. Ford throws Ciampa over the top rope and tags Sikoa, who drops to the outside and throws Ciampa over the announce table. Sikoa poses as we go to another commercial.

The Bloodline is still in control and working over Ciampa as we come back from break but Ciampa dodges a Fatu move in the corner and hits an enzuguiri on Tonga after he tags in. Ciampa hits Tonga with a backbreaker, but Solo tags in. Ciampa kicks him away and tags both Dawkins and Gargano. Dawkins and Gargano take turns hitting running moves on Sikoa in the corner. Dawkins with a superkick on Tonga, then they hit a double superkick on Fatu, sending him to the outside where he's vulnerable to a dive from Ford! Gargano takes out Tonga while Dawkins hits a neckbreaker on Sikoa, who kicks out.

Ciampa tags in an looks for a running knee on Sikoa, but Sikoa hits the Spinning Solo on Ciampa for two. Sikoa starts ordering Tonga around but the faces drag Sikoa out of the ring and Ciampa intercepts Tonga on the top rope. Ciampa hits a superplex on Tonga to the outside, on top of the other competitors! Ciampa rolls Tonga back into the ring and tags Ford, who hits a 450 Splash, but Fatu breaks up the pin an drives Ford's shoulder into the ring post. Fatu drags Tonga into his corner and tags in, then proceeds to demolish everyone with superkicks and other moves. Fatu drops Ford with an Impaler and tags in Sikoa, who drags Ford to his feet and hits the Samoan Spike. Solo then hits a second spike and covers Ford for the three count.


Winners: The Bloodline

The Bloodline celebrate around Sikoa and commentary plays up the cage match next week as "SmackDown" goes off the air on Fox for the last time.


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