The Bloodline — although actually they might not technically be that anymore — come down first before commercial, and then after commercial, Jimmy Uso and Cody Rhodes make their entrances. The bell rings, and it's Cody and Tama Tonga to start things out. They go for a lock up but Rhodes switches and gets his back. They grapple for a moment before Rhodes hits a delayed vertical suplex. Cody with a wristlock and tags in Uso, who comes off the top rope over Tonga's arm. Tonga manages to hit a series of strikes, driving Uso into the corner and tagging in Fatu, who drives into into the opposite corner. Uso with a chop and goes for a whip but Fatu reverses. Jimmy fights off Tonga on the apron, which allows Fatu to hit a Samoan Drop. He mugs at the camera as we go to break once again.
Back from commercial, Jimmy is trying to get to his feet but Fatu levels him with a clothesline. Tonga tags in and drops Uso again, does his weird chattering gremlin thing, then knocks Rhodes off the apron. He locks in a nerve pinch on Jimmy and delivers some headbutts. The crowd chants "Let's go Jimmy" as Uso escapes, but Fatu tags, knocks Cody off the apron again, and hits a running senton on Uso, getting a two-count. Fatu hits the running hip attack on Jimmy in the corner, then hits a second one. He goes for the cover but again only gets two. Fatu lifts Uso up to the top rope and climbs up behind him, then headbutts him in the back of the neck. Fatu taunts the crowd and begins to say "I love you, Solo" but Jimmy catches him with an elbow to the gut, then more elbows to knock him down. Jimmy off the top with a corkscrew senton and makes the tag to Cody!
Tonga is lega now but Rhodes is lighting him up, hitting a big powerslam and coming off the ropes with a Disaster Kick. Rhodes picks Tonga up for a bodyslam but Tonga escapes, but Rhodes sends him to the outside, sends Fatu to the outside, and hits a suicide dive on both of them. He rolls Tonga into the ring; the crowd is chanting "Cody." Rhodes his Dusty's punch on Tonga, then hits a dragon screw leg whip over the bottom rope on Fatu on the apron. Rhodes goes for Cross Rhodes but Tonga escapes and hits a big DDT, going for the cover but only getting two. Tonga knocks Jimmy off the apron but that allows Cody to carry Tonga onto the apron. Rhodes hits Tonga with a superplex and Uso follows up with the Uso Splash. Fatu breaks up the pin but eats a Cody Cutter, he rolls to the outside but Jimmy hits a dive. Cody is in control, but now Owens is here on the ramp, and Rhodes once again leaves the ring and fights him to the back.
Uso hits a spear and then another Uso Splash on Tonga, but Fatu pulls him out of the ring. Fatu drives Jimmy's head into the announce desk multiple times, then rolls him into the ring. Fatu with a huge Impaler DDT, then hits a moonsault. He covers Jimmy and gets three.
Winners: Tama Tonga &N Jacob Fatu
The brawl between Owens and Rhodes is still going and they come back out in front of the crowd. Owens has Rhodes up on some production crates, and he goes for the Package Piledriver, but Cody fights out. They battle some more until Rhodes tackles Owens, sending them both off the crates and through a table to the floor. Both men are down but the crowd is chanting "Cody" again, and he's getting to his feet as "SmackDown" goes off the air.