Knight and Priest take down Tama and Fatu. The bell rings and Priest fires off strikes on Tama. Fatu and Knight tag in, and Fatu fires off stomps on Knight in the corner. Priest tags in and Fatu delivers a splash to him in the corner, then follows it up with a Hip Attack and tags in Tama. Tama fires off right hands on Priest, but Fatu tags back in and wears Priest down with a submission. He lands an uppercut on him and charges at him in the corner, then charges at him. Priest intercepts him with a boot.
Knight tags in and lands a DDT on Fatu. He follows it up with an elbow drop off the middle rope and sets up for BFT, but Fatu avoids it and tags in Tama. Tama delivers a suplex to Knight, then fires off right hands on Fatu and stomps on his neck. Fatu tags in and lands a splash on Knight in the corner, then tags in Tama. Tama rakes the back of Knight's neck and rakes his eyes, then connects with a spear on him and tags in Fatu.
Knight lands a back suplex on Fatu, then tags in Priest. Tama tags in on his side, and Priest lands a crossbody on him off the top rope. Tama responds with a DDT and pins him, but Knight breaks the fall. Priest then delivers South of Heaven on Tama for the win.
Winners: Damian Priest and LA Knight
After the match, Fatu delivers a Samoan Drop and a moonsault to Priest, standing tall as the show goes off the air.