WWE SmackDown Results 8/23 - Two Championship Matches, Cody Rhodes Appears On The Grayson Waller Effect


Rhodes and Waller begin the action. The bell rings and Rhodes delivers an open palm strike to Waller. Owens tags in and fires off strikes on Waller. He connects with a back elbow and a senton, then goes for a pin but Waller kicks out. Rhodes then tags back in and levels Waller with a double back elbow with the aid of Owens. Theory then becomes legal and rains down right hands on Owens.


Back from the break, Owens delivers a Frog Splash off the top to Waller and tags in Rhodes. Rhodes delivers a back elbow and a scoop powerslam to Waller, then connects with a Disaster Kick and takes down Theory on the outside. Waller catches Rhode with a rolling flatliner back in the ring and tags in Theory.

Theory runs over Rhodes with a clothesline, but Rhodes catches him with a Cody Cutter. Theory hits a back suplex on Rhodes and tags Waller back in. Waller and Theory look to double team on Rhodes, but Rhodes sends them both crashing out of the ring. Owens ascends to the top and delivers a senton off the top rope, then goes for a pin, but Waller kicks out.

Rhodes catches Theory with a Cross-Rhodes, but Waller sends him crashing out of the ring. Owens looks to land a Stunner on him, but Waller sees him coming and rolls him up. Owens kicks out and delivers a pop-up powerbomb for the win.


Winners: Cody Rhodes and Kevin Owens

After the match, Owens grabs Rhodes' Undisputed WWE Championship and holds it up as if he's about to hit him with it. He opts to hand it to Rhodes instead, and the two stand tall in the ring as the show goes off the air. 


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