WWE SmackDown Results 9/20 - Tornado Tag Team Match, United States Championship On The Line


Loa and Owens begin the action. The bell rings and Owens goes straight after Loa. Angelo Dawkins tags in and lands a right hand on Loa, then tags in Montez Ford. Ford delivers a Swanton Bomb to Loa off the apron, then follows it up with a kick to his chest and tags Dawkins back in. Dawkins continues wearing down Loa, but Owens tags back in and sends him crashing into the top turnbuckle face first. Ford tags in and fires off stomps on Loa in the corner.


Fatu tags in and wears down Ford, then tags in Tonga. Fatu connects with a suplex on Ford, and Tonga flies into the ring to take him down. Tonga connects with a clothesline on Ford, then tags Fatu back in. Fatu levels Ford, but Ford whips him into the corner and tags Dawkins back in. Dawkins levels Fatu with a pair of clotheslines and a back elbow, then sends Loa crashing into the mat face first and looks to land a splash on Fatu. Fatu intercepts him and hits a moonsault off the top rope.

Back from the break, Tonga fires off right hands on Dawkins in the ring Dawkins responds with a suplex to Tonga and looks to tag out, but Fatu tags in and prevents him from doing so with a senton. Fatu whips Dawkins into the corner, then fires off several headbutts on him.


Ford and Tonga tag in, and Ford connects with a crossbody to Tonga off the top. He follows it up with a clothesline and several kicks, then connects with a jumping knee and a back suplex before hitting a standing moonsault. Ford lands an enzuigiri on Tonga, then tags in Owens.

Owens levels Loa and Fatu with clotheslines on the outside, then delivers a senton to Fatu and a Frog Splash to Loa. Owens slides back in the ring and connects with a cannonball to Tonga in the corner, then ascends to the top and delivers a Swanton Bomb. He goes for a pin, but Fatu breaks the fall.

Dawkins clotheslines Fatu out of the ring, and Owens ascends to the top. Tonga catches him with a pair of right hands and joins him on the ropes, but Owens catches him with a Brainbuster and goes for a pin. Loa pulls Owens off Tonga to break the fall, but Owens fights him off and connects with a Stunner. He goes for a pin, but Loa pulls wens off Tonga once again. Dawkins delivers a shoulder pounce to Loa, but Fatu lands a tope suicida to break the fall. Ford then flies over the top to level Fatu.

Loa clears the announce desk before landing a bodyslam on Ford. Fatu connects with a Frog Splash on Ford in the ring, but #DIY makes their way back out. They begin brawling with The Bloodline, but The Bloodline overpowers him. Cody Rhodes then runs down to the ring with a chair in hand, and The Bloodline retreats. Owens grabs the chair and momentarily considers using it, but opts against it. The two then shake hands as the show goes off the air.


Winners: Kevin Owens and The Street Profits (via disqualification)


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