WWE SmackDown Results 9/27 - WWE Women's Championship Number One Contenders Match, The Bloodline Appears


Owens and Jacob Fatu begin the action. The bell rings and the pair rain down right hands on one another. Fatu levels Owens with a back elbow, but Owens returns the favor and hits a senton. Solo Sikoa tags in and Fatu holds the ropes open for him to get in the ring.


Sikoa lands a headbutt on Owens, but Orton calls to be tagged in and Owens obliges. Fatu calls to be tagged in on his side, and Sikoa does so. Orton fires off right hands on Fatu in the corner, but Fatu fires off strikes on Orton and clotheslines him out of the ring. He follows Orton out there, but Orton sends him crashing on top of the announce desk. Fatu quickly recovers and gets fired up, but Orton sends Fatu crashing on top of the announce desk several more times. Sikoa sneaks up on him, but Orton sends him crashing on top of the announce desk. 

Back from the break, Sikoa and Owens teeter on the ropes, but Owens fights Sikoa off and looks to land a Swanton Bomb on him. Sikoa gets his knees up and delivers a Hip Attack to Owens, then tags in Fatu. Fatu assists Sikoa in landing a Hip Attack on Owens and lands one of his own, then whips Owens into the corner and tags in Sikoa.


Sikoa continues wearing down Owens, but Owens catches Sikoa with an Atomic Drop and levels him with a clothesline. Orton tags in and exchanges right hands with Sikoa. He follows it up with a powerslam and lands one on Fatu, then connects with a hanging DDT on Sikoa. Fatu hops up on the apron, but Orton clocks him. Orton then turns around into a Samoan Drop from Sikoa, but Owens tags in and lands running sentons on him and Fatu on the outside. He then delivers a Frog Splash to Fatu off the ring apron and connects with a Swanton Bomb on Sikoa off the top.

Tama Tonga and Tanga Loa run down to the ring and distract Owens. Sikoa catches him with Spinning Solo and pins him, but Owens kicks out. Cody Rhodes then runs down to the ring and takes down Loa and Tonga. He sends Loa crashing into the mat with a DDT and sends Tonga crashing into the ring apron. Orton lands an RKO on him, but Fatu takes him down and levels Rhodes with a tope suicida. Rhodes is then sent crashing into the referee, and Owens asks him what he's doing. Fatu then delivers a pair of superkicks to him and Sikoa pins him for the win.

Winners: The Bloodline


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