WWE's Drew McIntyre Opens Up About Making The Killer's Game With Dave Bautista


Speaking of live matches and trying to take out guys who were absent from WWE for years, you're scheduled to face your nemesis, CM Punk, in a strap match this weekend at Bash in Berlin. How are you feeling after last night's shenanigans?


I feel fine. I'm invincible. I'm in my prime. I'm a 6'5, 280 pound monster, handsome monster at that, and CM Punk is a fragile nostalgia act that is about to get whipped into dust on Saturday. He's got his licks in on me, but I've not hit him back once. If you notice, as I pointed out last night on Raw, he always attacks me from behind. He can't face me like a man because he's terrified of me and he should be terrified of me. I'd be scared of me too, but eventually in Berlin we're going to be strapped by the wrist to the strap. He can't get away from me. And when I finally deliver that first blow, he's going to beg for mercy and I'm not going to stop. I have to touch four corners and I'm just going and I'm going to keep going and I'm going to keep going with 'The Passion of the Punk' and I'm not going to stop until he stops moving. Then I'll drag his carcass round each four side, then he'll retire and everybody will rejoice and I'll get arm surgery from all the high-fives that I'll get from the boys.


If you could send CM Punk a message before Bash in Berlin, what would you say to him right now?

Can you bleep this?


You're f***ed.

Anything else?

No, that's it. He's f***ed. He's genuinely f***ed ... And I'm keeping this [holds up wrist to show CM Punk's friendship bracelet].

Speaking of the bracelet, what initially made you even think of taking it?

He just wears it everywhere. He's clearly got some weird emotional attachment to a piece of trash and he hurt me in ways that I haven't gone into detail about during the first run I had with WWE and it caused my career to be adversely affected, it caused me emotional pain. So I want to cause him as much emotional pain as possible because the physical pain's easy. I tore his tricep without even trying. So imagine I'm going to do to him on Saturday.

Alrighty. Well I think we're out of time, Drew, so I appreciate you taking some time to talk to me today.

Thank you brother, appreciate you.

"The Killer's Game" will be released on Friday, September 13.


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