WWE's LA Knight Discusses Past, And Possible Future, With TNA


LA Knight also discussed the WWE-TNA relationship, highlighting how the partnership is an example of how the pro wrestling industry is ever-changing.

"I don't know of any plans to do so [him featuring on TNA] ... I mean, I guess 'never say never,' at the same time, my thoughts are it's [WWE-TNA partnership], you know, about five years too late. It should have happened when I was there, then we could crossover stuff," said Knight. "But, yeah, I don't know, it's kind of cool, it's unprecedented because, you know, even though I would say TNA has been a distant number two for a long time, they were a threat for a little bit, at least in the 2010s — in the early 2010s — maybe, and with that being the case, I think it's really just crazy to fathom the idea that now there's a working partnership."

Although he doesn't know if he will ever return to TNA, he mentioned that he is just one title away from being a TNA Grand Slam Champion, which he seems to be keen to fulfill.

"Now you're talking about this partnership, I'm only one title short of a Triple Crown [he corrected himself by saying he's a Triple Crown champion and he meant Grand Slam] there. So, I mean, if I can get back in there and get that X-Division title [laughs]."

Knight had a four-year run with TNA, between 2015 and 2019, where he won the tag team title as well as the King of the Mountain title, aside from the aforementioned World title.


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