
broadcast on TNT from the Adventist Health Arena in
Stockton, CA!

Tony Schiavone and Nigel McGuinness were the broadcast team
for tonight’s event.

It’s Saturday night and you know what that means! This is
for the Sickos!

Ricochet vs. AR Fox!

Ricochet and AR Fox unleashed a flurry of offense, going
hold for hold, until Ricochet hit a tope suidica and a
standing shooting star press for a near fall. Fox came back
with a spinning vertical suplex. Fox jumped over the top
rope and crash landed onto Ricochet on the arena floor. Fox
walked the ropes and connected with a shooting star press.

“AR Fox has been so impressive in this opening match,” said
Tony Schiavone.

Ricochet nailed Fox with a spinning neck breaker from the
top rope, displaying extremely creative offense. Fox DDT
Ricochet and followed up with a package power bomb for a
near fall on Ricochet!

Ricochet rallied back with a German Suplex for a near fall.
Fox dodged a shooting star press, but Ricochet landed on his
feet. Fox landed a 450 splash, but Ricochet kicked out at
the two-count!

The fans chanted “A-E-W! A-E-W! A-E-W!”

Ricochet staggered Fox with a rising knee strike. Ricochet
rocked Fox with Vertigo and scored the pin!

“Ricochet earned every bit of that victory,” said Tony

Ricochet: “I came here to say one thing. I came here to AEW
because this is where the best come to wrestle! But it’s
funny because here in AEW I have yet to be pinned or
submitted here in this ring. There’s one person who keeps
putting his nose in my business. I think you guys know.
Takeshita, you seem to stick your nose in my business every
chance that you get and it’s starting to be a little
annoying. He’s the new champion and that’s ok.

“Takeshita, it doesn’t matter where you go in this world,
yes, you are champion, but just know, wherever you go, I
will be waiting here to kick your ass! All that matters is I
will continue to knock down opponent after opponent until I
get you one on one in the middle of this ring, and I become
the new International Champion!

“These people here know I am not from this planet. I am out
of this world!”

Daniel Garcia was backstage with Private Party!

Garcia said he didn’t think the Young Bucks and Jack Perry
were willing to carry the responsibility that comes with
having their championships, especially as the Elite sit back
and watch Moxley and his crew run roughshod through AEW.
Isiah Kassidy said the Bucks were complacent cowards.
Kassidy said he wasn’t going to watch the BCC burn AEW down.

Kris Statlander vs. Harley Cameron!

Cameron used a leg sweep on Kris. Cameron countered a power
bomb attempt with a roll-up for a two-count. Kris fired back
with a spinning back breaker. Statlander scoop slammed
Harley. Statlander followed up with a delayed vertical

Harley Cameron spiked Kris with a DDT but Kris kicked out at
the one-count. Kris rallied back with a release German
Suplex and a charging boot strike. Statlander nailed Cameron
with the Staturday Night Fever and pinned Cameron!

Statlander: “One thing about me is that I am never afraid to
test myself and prove that I am the toughest and strongest
woman here in AEW. But one person has been a real pain. So
Kamille, I’m calling you out. It’s about time you met your
match! And Mercedes, I’ll make sure you have a front row

Trios Match!
Daniel Garcia & Private Party—Marq Quen & Isiah Kassidy
The Premier Athletes—Tony Nese, Ariya Daivari, & Josh Woods
(with “Smart” Mark Sterling)!

Private Party used tandem offense on Nese and Daivari, and
then on Woods for good measure.

Stokely Hathaway walked down the ramp and cheered for Isiah
Kassidy. “My man!” he said.

Woods suplexed Kassidy. The Premier Athletes triple teamed
Kassidy, allowing Woods to power bomb Kassidy. Kassidy
countered a DVD attempt with a spinning kick to Woods.
Garcia tagged in and came in like a man possessed, taking on
all three Premier Athletes.

Garcia nailed Woods with a swinging neck breaker. Private
Party served up the Silly String to Nese! Private Party
followed up with tope suicidas to Nese and Daivari. Garcia
blasted Woods with a John Woo dropkick! Private Party
cracked Woods with Gin & Juice! Marq Quen covered Woods and
pinned him!

The Outrunners—Turbo Floyd & Truth Magnum
LFI’s RUSH & The Beast Mortos (with Dralistico)!

The Beast backed Truth into the corner and slapped the taste
out of his mouth. The Beast Mortos bulldozed Truth with a
shoulder tackle. Truth Magnum took down Beast with a
dropkick, followed up by flying head scissors.

Rush and Turbo tagged in for their respective teams and
traded chops. It was a battle of egos in the center of the
ring. After a distraction from Dralistico on the ring apron,
LFI stole back some momentum from the Outrunners.

After a flurry of offense to Truth, Rush posed. Rush
powerslammed Truth Magnum and then double stomped Truth’s
sternum. The Beast Mortos tagged in and flipped from the
turnbuckles onto Truth. LFI had Truth isolated in their
corner, but Truth fought his way to Turbo for the hot tag!

Turbo Floyd came in and cleaned house on LFI! Turbo body
slammed Truth onto The Beast and onto Rush. The Outrunners
dropped a double elbow on Rush. Dralistico tripped Truth as
the ref was distracted. Turbo went for a vertical suplex on
Rush, but Dralisitco grabbed Turbo’s ankle and held it.
Rush’s body weight fell on top of Turbo and Rush stole the

“Thanks to Dralistico, the third man, the win streak for the
Outrunners comes to an end,” said Tony Schiavone.

After the match LFI triple teamed the Outrunners until FTR—
Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler—stomped to the ring and came to
the aid of the Outrunners! LFI retreated as they were
outnumbered by FTR and the Outrunners!

The Conglomeration’s “Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy
The Iron Savages’ Bulk Bronson (with Jacked Jameson &
Beefcake Boulder)!

Orange pulped Bronson with the Orange Punch! Orange followed
up with the Beach Break and pinned Bulk Bronson!

“An easy win for the king of sloth style here tonight,” said
Nigel McGuinness.

Jamie Hayter vs. Brooke Havoc!

Hayter rammed into Havoc with a shoulder tackle. Hayter
stomped on Brooke in the corner. Hayter pump kicked Brooke
in the face. Brooke connected with a thrust kick. Hayter
nearly decapitated Brooke with the Hayter Aid and pinned
Broke, picking up a decisive win!

After the match, Penelope Ford appeared on the big screen
above the ramp!

Penelope: “Are you really confused why I attacked you? I’ll
tell you why. Unlike you, most of us have to work for our
opportunities. You want to talk about backstabbing bitches?
That’s you. You were gone for a year, and you came back to a
damn parade. Seems like too many of you have forgotten who
Penelope Ford is and I’m going to make sure you know what
two years of pain and anger feel like!”

The Don Callis Family’s “Protostar” Kyle Fletcher (with Don
Atlantis Jr.!

Don Callis joined the broadcast booth for this match.

Fletcher threw his ring jacket at Atlantis and then grounded
and pounded him. Fletcher rammed Atlantis into the
guardrails. Atlantis came back with a tilt awhirl
backbreaker on the floor. Atlantis followed up with a big
cross body press and then planted Kyle with a cutter!

Kyle tried ripping the mask off Atlantis Jr. Atlantis
defended with a thrust kick, a lariat, and a tope suicida!
Atlantis connected with a missile dropkick for a near fall
on Fletcher. Kyle Fletcher rocked Atlantis with a half and
half suplex!

Atlantis escaped a Tiger Driver attempt and cradled Kyle for
a near fall. Fletcher spiked Atlantis Jr. with a DDT.
Fletcher walloped Atlantis with a brain buster on the apron.
Fletcher followed up with a brain buster in the ring for a
near fall!

Fletcher tried for a tombstone, but Atlantis countered. Both
men landed on their feet, but Atlantis took down Fletcher
with a Canadian Destroyer! Atlantis hit a frog splash on
Fletcher. Atlantis went for a second frog splash, but
Fletcher raised his knees into Atlantis’ rib cage. Fletcher
smashed Atlantis with a brain buster on the top turnbuckle
and pinned Atlantis for the victory.

Don Callis: “Ladies and gentlemen, can I have your
attention? Kyle Fletcher has something to say.”

Kyle Fletcher: “I am ready to talk. Don’t worry I wouldn’t
waste my breath on you idiots. I’m ready to talk this
Wednesday and you will listen, especially you Will Ospreay.”

Trios Match!
House of Black—Malakai Black, Buddy Matthews, & Brody King
three local competitors!

Brody blasted Chris Nasty with chops. Nasty tagged out to
the Dark Fox, but the Dark Fox headed back to his den,
tagging out. Malakai tagged in and took care of the
competition single handedly. The House of Black surrounded
and swarmed the Dark Fox and picked him apart piece by
piece. Brody superplexed the Dark Fox. Malakai jumped with a
double stomp to the Dark Fox. The House of Black decimated
their foes, devastating them. Buddy, barely breaking a
sweat, made the cover and picked up the easy win.

“House of Black are now the winningest team in the history
of the Trios division,” said Tony Schiavone.

AEW World Trios Championship Match!
AEW World Trios Champions Claudio Castagnoli, “The Bastard”
PAC, & Wheeler Yuta
Action Andretti & Top Flight—Dante & Darius Martin!

Claudio scoop slammed Darius and followed up with a European
Uppercut. Dante tagged in and connected with a rising knee
strike. Claudio wiped out Dante with a standing lariat.
Claudio countered a tope from Dante, ramming Dante into the
steel ring post!

Top Flight planted Pac with tandem offense. Action splashed
Pac with a 450 but Claudio pulled him off Pac. Claudio power
bombed Andretti! Yuta struck Darius with a running knee,
right out of Bryan Danielson’s playbook.

Claudio, Wheeler, and Pac triple teamed Andretti in the
ring. Pac spiked Andretti with a tombstone piledriver and
pinned him!

After the match, AEW World Champion Jon Moxley and Marina
Shafir walked down to the ring. They continued to beat down
Top Flight and Action Andretti. Lio Rush ran in, but Moxley
ran Rush right over with a lariat. Claudio went to powerbomb
Dante, but Dark Order came out to make the save!

Dark Order brawled with Moxley and his crew!

“The calvary arrived just a little too late,” said Nigel, as
Moxley and company assaulted Dark Order and Top Flight.

Moxley: “Hey Dark Order, I’m going to give you a chance to
fight for your lives and live your dreams. We’re going to
put the Trios Championships on the line right now! Ring the

Claudio blasted John Silver and pummeled Silver in the
corner. Wheeler Yuta chopped Silver. Pac tagged in and
stomped on Silver. Evil Uno and Alex Reynolds were still
recovering from the beating on the floor, so it was
essentially three on one in this impromptu match.

Claudio tossed Yuta with the Rocket Launcher onto Silver.
Evil Uno jumped in to break up the pin attempt. Pac cracked
Silver with kicks, but Silver blasted Pac out of nowhere.
Silver tagged in but Claudio wiped him out with strikes.
Claudio press slammed Silver and dropped him on his knee.
Claudio applied a sharpshooter on Reynolds. While the ref
was distracted by Wheeler Yuta, Pac stomped on the back of
Reynold’s back. Reynolds had no choice but to tap out! After
the match, Wheeler put Reynolds in the cattle mutilation.

Marina crushed John Silver’s arm, whacking it with the brief
case. Private Party and Daniel Garcia came down to check on
Dark Order and Top Flight. Orange Cassidy surveyed the
situation and walked calmly away.


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