CLASH AT THE CASTLE: CM Punk talks getting cleared, culture change, and more at post-show press conference


At the Clash at the Castle post-show press conference, CM
Punk said that he’s hoping to get cleared next week and will
appear on Friday’s Smackdown from Chicago to hopefully
deliver the good news.

Punk said that he was given permission to skip Raw on Monday
to go back home and visit the doctors to get the all clear.
He noted that his arm feels “amazing” after nearly five
months of rehabilitation. Punk suffered a torn triceps
during the Royal Rumble at the hands of Drew McIntyre and
Punk made sure to screw McIntyre out of the World
Heavyweight title again last night at Clash at the Castle.

Punk, wearing a Celtic t-shirt, which is a big no no in
Glasgow, said Scotland loves him despite screwing McIntyre
and wearing that green shirt in the city. “Maybe the biggest
guy in Scotland doesn’t like me, but I think people in
general are happy to see me,” Punk said.

Punk said he doesn’t wish on anyone, even McIntyre, to
suffer any injury and take away food from their family’s
table and doesn’t harbor any animosity towards McIntyre for
the freak accident at the Rumble, saying this is a combat
sport and accidents do happen to all athletes.


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