Former WWE Star Sylvain Grenier Recalls Time As A 'F***ing Idiot' In OVW


Due to the lack of action, Sylvain Grenier reached out to John Laurinaitis and complained to him, telling him that he felt like he wasn't learning anything at OVW.

"Johnny calls down, 'What the f**k, the guys don't work out?' Blah, blah, blah. So, they used to have class, two to three times a day, everybody's banged up, they had shows the weekend, I don't know any of that. I'm just thinking about me."


OVW then announced that practice was extended to eight-hour daily sessions, which got him a ton of heat. Grenier believes that this was one of the reasons why WWE quickly moved him through OVW and onto the main roster as they believed that he might not survive the experience after long. He claimed that his stay at OVW was only for a month but that WWE had already planned his next step. 

"When I started there they knew they were going to put me and Rene [Dupree] together. They knew. Rene was the French Phenom, I think, with Kelly Bowman," said Grenier. 

Unfortunately, Grenier's backstage experience didn't improve when he reached the main roster. Some time ago, Bully Ray boasted about putting his hands on the star, leading to Dupree burying the veteran on his podcast in retaliation.



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