Matt Hardy Discusses What He Thinks It Will Take For WWE To Trust His Brother Jeff Again


After an up-and-down run in AEW, Matt and Jeff Hardy are back together in TNA, with visions of a WWE return in their future. Appearing on "Busted Open Radio" this week, WWE Hall of Famer Bully Ray asked Matt Hardy what he thinks it would take for WWE to regain trust in his brother.


"I think Jeff really wanted to come back to TNA to continue to build equity," Hardy said. "He knows that TNA and WWE are working together. ... I think Jeff just wants to, once again, show people how he is a different human being. And the way to put equity into that is to go to TNA, have a kickass run, and just show people he's on his best behavior."

Jeff's last WWE run came to a close when the company released the performer after he left the ring area during a live event match. The incident took place just a few years after Hardy, who has a known history of substance abuse, was arrested for driving while intoxicated in South Carolina. At the time, both Hardy brothers denied that Jeff had been under the influence of any illegal substances at the WWE live event, and several months later, Jeff joined his brother in AEW.


In June 2022, just a few months after signing with the promotion, Jeff was arrested for driving while intoxicated once again, this time in Florida. The incident derailed Matt and Jeff's AEW runs, and they never quite got back on track.

Since then, Matt has been publicly supportive of his brother, stating in April that Jeff is in the greatest condition of his career. The brothers reunited onscreen earlier this month when Jeff made his return at TNA Against All Odds, coming to the aid of Matt, Nic Nemeth, Ryan Nemeth, and Joe Hendry against The System.

If you use any of the quotes in this article, please credit "Busted Open Radio" with a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.


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