Missed Fists: 55-year-old fighter attacked by fan after insulting crowd at Prime Show MMA 11


Welcome to the latest edition of Missed Fists where we shine a light on fights from across the globe that may have been overlooked in these hectic times where it seems like there’s an MMA show every other day.

Yes, the 2025 calendar year is back in full swing and that can only mean one thing: Chaos.

A big thank you to Jed Meshew for taking the Missed Fist reins while I took a brief holiday break and now it’s time to get back to business. And lucky me, we had prime (no pun intended) Polish freakshow MMA to check out this past weekend, so here we go!

(Big thanks as always to @Barrelelapierna for their weekly lists of the best KOs and submissions, and to @Grabaka_Hitman for uploading many of the clips you see here. Give them a follow and chip in on Patreon if you can.)

Dominik Zadora vs. Jacek Muranski and Krzysztof Ryta
Patryk Akinyeye vs. Jaroslaw Sobonkiewicz

One thing I’ve always said fans love about MMA is that it feels like there’s less of a barrier between them and the fighters they love to watch. Maybe it’s because the business boomed along with the advent of social media, but for better or worse, a convo with your favorite pro martial artist is often just a tweet or an awkward open Q&A question away from becoming a reality.

In Jacek Muranski’s case, that barrier became a little too thin at a Prime MMA Show in Ostrow Wielkopolski.

After coming out on the losing end of a 2-on-1 fight, the 55-year-old Muranski—lovingly nicknamed “Hannibal Lecter”—went on a verbal tirade against the audience in which he called them “małpy,” which translates to “monkeys” in English.


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