NXT ON CW: October 22 results (F4online)


The show begins with footage from earlier today of wrestlers
arriving to the building. First was NXT Champion Trick
Williams and challenger Ethan Page. Then, the participants
of the women’s tag match arrive. Their match is opening the
show from a sound stage at the WWE Performance Center in

Lash Legend & Jakara Jackson defeated IYO SKY & Kairi Sane
via disqualification (I think)

Piper Niven & Chelsea Green interfere and run-in to attack
Jackson & Legend for the DQ. Green & Niven then proceed to
jump Sky & Sane as well. So the whole match might have been
thrown out as a no-contest. Not sure since there was no
official word. The finish was a cheap way out of doing an
actual finish. Otherwise, this was a good match.

During the match, they played up the height difference with
Legend against Sane. Legend went on to lift both Sky & Sane
at the same time, and she “dribbled” both on the ropes. Sane
counters Legend, and send both her and Jackson out to the
floor. Sane jumps off the apron with a flying elbow, and Sky
follows up with an Asai moonsault. Despite the height
differences, Sky & Sane are standing tall as the show cuts
to its first commercial break.

They come back from the break with a double down and hot tag
to Sane. She is a house of fire, and she leaps off the top
rope with a high cross for a two count. Sky & Sane do their
pop-up flying elbow combo. The match continues, and it was
getting good when Niven & Green run-in.

Niven grabs Jackson, pulls her out of the ring, and Niven
clotheslines her at ringside. After the DQ, Niven & Green
get into the ring to jump Sky & Sane. The heel duo leaves
the Damage CTRL pair laying in the ring, along with Jackson
& Legend. Green & Niven embrace and admire their handiwork.

Video clips from an angle shot from social media show Hank
Walker & Tank Ledger hyping up the arrival of a special
guest. I had a sudden flashback to wrestling of a my youth
with a race car driver as a special guest on the show, and
this ain’t Thurman “Sparky” Plugg neither. This guy’s name
is apparently Cole Custer. This is shoot name, but it is so
fitting on NXT. He is a NASCAR driver, and apparently quite

In a confrontation with Cole, Hank, and Tank, the two
members of OTM and Jaida Parker take exception to an
outsider being featured on the show. This sets up a tag
match later tonight with OTM against Hank & Tank, with the
race car driver front row ringside. Parker is also up next
in a singles match.

Karmen Petrovic and Ashante “Thee” Adonis are in skit
straight out of the Ruthless Aggression era. Adonis thinks
Petrovic is playing hard to get when Petrovic dodges his

A video package hypes NXT at the 2300 Arena, playing up the
ECW aspect.

Jaida Parker defeated Tatum Paxley

Parker pinned Paxley after a hip attack finisher. Paxley got
some offense, but this seemed more about getting Parker
over. They still had a competitive match, and Paxley got
some near falls. Lola Vice runs down the aisle to try and
presumably fight with Parker, but security holds her back.

Lexis King tries to talk his way into a Heritage Cup title
match with Charlie Dempsey.

Je’Von Evans has words with NXT Tag Team Champions Nathan
Frazier & Axiom, and then Evans runs into Wes Lee in a
backstage skit. Cedric Alexander has to hold back Evans.

Giulia and Stephanie Vaquer are featured in a mini-doc that
explores their history and arrival in NXT.

Tonya Harding angle of sorts, as Adrianna Rizzo is attacked
backstage by a mystery assailant. The D’Angelo Family
scramble as Luca Crusifino heads to the ring for the biggest
match of his NXT run. D’Angelo stays behind to stay with

Oba Femi defeated Luca Crusifino

Femi pinned Crusifino after his powerbomb finisher. After
the match, Femi zip-ties Tony D’Angelo to a ring post, and
Femi makes him watch as he powerbombs Stacks through a

In the match itself, Crusifino took the fight to Femi, but
Femi shrugged it off. Femi looked like a killer here. Femi
gives Crusifino a Last Ride powerbomb, and Femi covers him
for a pinfall.

In a post-match angle, Femi attacks both Crusifino and
Stacks after the match. Stacks goes to check on Crusifino,
but Femi tosses Stacks out of the ring. The beatdown by Femi
on Crusifino continues.

Tony D’Angelo runs in trying to make a save. Femi sends him
crashing into the ring steps. Femi then takes zip-ties,
takes a long while, and he eventually zip-tied D’Angelo to a
ring post. D’Angelo is forced to watch as Femi powerbombs
Stacks through a table propped up on the barricade.

A vignette reveals the name of Zaria for the wrestler
formerly known as DELTA.

In another vignette, Andre Chase cuts a promo on Ridge
Holland. Chase reveals their match at Halloween Havoc is an
ambulance match, playing on Chase doing an injury angle and
leaving in an ambulance some time back. Holland would
respond with a promo of his own later in the show.

NXT Champion Trick Williams and Ethan Page have a face-to-
face confrontation ahead of their title match at Halloween
Havoc. This segment went seemingly forever. It was good at
points, but Page came off as more sympathetic character than
Trick, which is probably not the point.

Page cuts a promo on Williams about he and Williams having a
different path to NXT. Page did not have a Performance
Center nor the greatest minds in wrestling coaching him like
Trick has in NXT. Trick tries to interject, but Trick does
not come off well. Not helping him is Page cutting a helluva
promo on him.

Page asks Trick if he has ever been busted open. Page goes
on to ask Trick if his flesh has ever been torn by a weapon.
Has he ever tasted the mixture of blood and sweat. That
copper and salt taste that is queasy, except it happens so
many times you start to like it.

Page continues is promo on Trick, saying he is all flash
with no fake confidence. Page attacked Trick last week to
show him what was in store with The Devil’s Playground.
Trick has the look, but Page insists Trick does have that
devil in him. Page does. He has the devil in him.

Trick responds by mentioning all of his hard-fought
opponents, but Page is not impressed. Page vows to win the

Sol Ruca defeated Karmen Petrovic

Ruca pinned Pertrovic after a Sol Snatcher. Ashante Adonis
is in the crowd, and Petrovic is distracted by him. That
costs her the match.

Nikkita Lyons is talking backstage with Tyriek Igwe & Tyson
Dupont. Oba Femi walks by and gives Lyons a faux fur coat
she dropped, and there was an enchanted moment between them.

Hank Walker & Tank Ledger (with Cole Custer) defeated OTM
(Bronco Nima & Lucien Price with Jaida Parker)

Ledger pinned Nima to win the match, thanks in part to
interference by Cole Custer. He was wearing a racing helmet
at ringside, and Custer hit Nima with the helmet like he was
Jimmy Hart managing the Nasty Boys in ’92. Except this time
around that is somehow a babyface spot.

Lola Vice also ran in, and she kept Jaida Parker from
interfering. They brawled at ringside, furthering their
feud. In the ring, this was quite a hoss fight until the
run-in and interference. After Custer hit Nima in the back
with the helmet, Hank & Tank execute their Collision Course
finisher. Ledger then covered Nima for the pinfall.

Nathan Frazeir demands a match with him and Axiom against
Je’Von Evans and Cedric Alexander in a backstage skit with
NXT GM Ava. That match was later made official as a NXT Tag
Team Championship match for next week.

Ridge Holland’s response to Andre Chase is the focus of a
vignette hyping their ambulance match.

Tony D’Angelo cuts a fiery promo on Oba Femi, threatening to
kick his ass this Sunday.

On their way to the ring, Giulia & Stephanie Vaquer pass IYO
SKY & Kairi Sane in the backstage area.

Giulia & Stephanie Vaquer defeated Fatal Influence (Fallon
Henley & Jacy Jayne with Jaxmyn Nyz)

Vaquer pinned Jayne to win what was arguably the best match
on the show. However, it was yet another bout on the show
with outside interference. That was a crutch in the booking
tonight. Regardless, they had a good match.

The match itself goes through a commercial break. Nyz
interferes to help the heels, and the babyfaces are in peril
as the show cuts to its final break. More fast-paced action
as they return from the break, with Giulia getting the
shine. Hot tag to Vaquer, and she runs wild.

Nyz tries to interfere, but NXT Women’s North American
Champion Kelani Jordan runs in to make a save. Jordan lays
out Nyz. In the ring, Giulia lands a running knee to set up
the finisher. Vaquer with a package backbreaker on Jayne,
and Vaquer covers her for a pinfall.

Lots of stuff in a very short time post-match, as they
scramble to get everything in before the show goes off air.

Jordan raises the hands of Vaquer & Giulia after the match.
NXT Women’s Champion Roxanne Perez & Cora Jade stand on a
perch overlooking the ring, and they exchanged words with
Vaquer & Giulia. Meanwhile, Fatal Influence is on the ramp,
where Jacy Jayne spins the wheel. It spots on “Spinner’s
Choice,” but they are cut off before making a choice.

Suddenly, the lights go out and a Zaria vignette plays, and
she appears live in the sound stage as the show goes off the


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