WWE SmackDown Results 7/26 - Number One Contenders Gauntlet Match, Women's Tag Team Bout


Bayley and Stratton begin the action. The bell rings and Bayley rains down right hands on Stratton. Stratton responds with a shoulder tackle on Bayley, but Bayley delivers a kick to her calf before landing a pair of clotheslines. Stratton fires off boots on Bayley in the corner, then lands a forearm on her. Bayley responds with one of her own from the apron, then sends Stratton's face bouncing off the middle rope and looks to tag in Michin. Jax pulls Michin off the ring apron and delivers a Samoan Drop to her as Stratton lands a double stomp on Bayley.


Back from the break, Stratton delivers a Hip Attack to Bayley in the corner and whips her into the adjacent corner. Jax tags in and double teams on Bayley with Stratton. Jax sends Bayley crashing into the corner spine first and steps on her back. Stratton tags back in and lands a splash on Bayley in the corner. She wears Bayley down with a submission hold, then delivers a spinebuster.

Jax tags in and delivers an elbow drop to Bayley. Stratton tags back in and fires off a couple stomps on Bayley. She whips Bayley into the corner and looks to land a handspring back elbow, but Bayley intercepts Stratton and delivers a German suplex to her. Jax tags back in and keeps Bayley from tagging out to Michin. Bayley sends Jax crashing into the ring post shoulder first, but Stratton makes the blind tag in.


Michin tags in and delivers a Tornado DDT to Stratton. Jax tags in and charges at Michin, but Michin moves out of the way and delivers a running knee to the side of Jax's head. Bayley becomes legal and ascends to the top, then delivers an elbow drop and goes for a pin. Stratton breaks the fall.

Michin sends Stratton crashing out of the ring, but Jax looks to plant her. Bayley helps Michin out, but Stratton hits her with her Women's Money In The Bank briefcase while the referee is distracted. Jax then delivers the An-Nia-Lator to Bayley for the win.

Winners: Tiffany Stratton and Nia Jax


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