The bell rings and Holland fires off a couple of right hands on D'Angelo. D'Angelo levels Holland with a clothesline, then follows it up with a clothesline and fires off right hands of his own on Holland. D'Angelo charges at Holland, but Holland moves out of the way and D'Angelo is sent crashing into the side of the cage. He lands a trio of uppercuts on D'Angelo's spine that send him crashing into the side of the cage face first, then goes for a pin but D'Angelo kicks out.
Holland sends D'Angelo crashing into the opposite side of the cage twice, then looks to send him crashing into another side. D'Angelo escapes off Holland's shoulders, then sends him crashing into the side. Holland responds by sending D'Angelo bouncing off the top rope, then delivers a suplex to D'Angelo and goes for a pin. D'Angelo kicks out.
Holland ascends to the top and looks to land a diving headbutt on D'Angelo, but D'Angelo moves out of the way and sends Holland crashing into all four sides of the cage. Holland levels D'Angelo with a boot, then follows it up with a bodyslam and goes for a pin. D'Angelo kicks out, then exchanges right hands with Holland.
Izzi Dame looks to slide a crowbar to D'Angelo through the slats of the cage, but Channing "Stacks" Lorenzo grabs it from her. He then slides it between them himself, and D'Angelo and Holland race to grab the crowbar. Holland wrestles it away from D'Angelo, then clocks him with it twice and goes for a pin. D'Angelo kicks out, but Holland looks to hit him with it again. D'Angelo rakes Holland's eyes to prevent him from doing so, then clocks him with the crowbar and follows it up with a spinebuster for the win.
Winner (and still): Tony D'Angelo
After the match, The Family look to join D'Angelo in the ring. An irate Holland pushes them out of the way and brawls with them to the back as Dame and Adriana Rizzo check on D'Angelo back inside the ring. Shawn Spears, Brooks Jensen, and Niko Vance appear at ringside as Dame helps up D'Angelo. Dame then hits D'Angelo in the knee with the crowbar as Spears, Jensen, and Vance enter the cage. Dame sends Rizzo crashing into the mat with a chokeslam as Vance locks the steel cage, then fires off stomps on D'Angelo with Jensen. Spears repeatedly hits D'Angelo with a chair, and Jensen hits Stacks with a chair through the side of the cage. Spears sends D'Angelo crashing into the mat off the ropes, then stands tall with Dame, Jensen, and Vance as Stacks and Crusifino are helpless from the outside, D'Angelo and Rizzo are laid out in the cage, and the show goes off the air.